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There are 20 words containing ELISI

CARAMELISINGcaramelising v. Present participle of caramelise.
CARAMELISE v. to turn into caramel, also CARAMELIZE.
CARTELISINGcartelising v. Present participle of cartelise.
CARTELISE v. to make into a cartel, also CARTELIZE.
CHANNELISINGchannelising v. Present participle of channelise.
CHANNELISE v. to create or provide a channel for, also CHANNELIZE.
DIESELISINGdieselising v. Present participle of dieselise.
DIESELISE v. to equip e.g. a train with a diesel engine, also DIESELIZE.
ELISIONelision n. The deliberate omission of something.
elision n. (Linguistics) The omission of a letter or syllable between two words or inside a word; sometimes marked…
elision n. (Computing) A different mode or method of operating a computer program.
ELISIONSelisions n. Plural of elision.
ELISION n. the act of eliding.
EPITHELISINGEPITHELISE v. to convert to epithelium, also EPITHELIZE.
EVANGELISINGevangelising v. Present participle of evangelise.
EVANGELISE v. to preach the gospel to, also EVANGELIZE.
GENTEELISINGGENTEELISE v. to make genteel or falsely refined, also GENTEELIZE.
GOSPELISINGgospelising v. Present participle of gospelise.
GOSPELISE v. to evangelize; to square with gospel, also GOSPELIZE, GOSPELLISE, GOSPELLIZE.
MARBELISINGmarbelising v. Present participle of marbelise.
MARBELISE v. to stain or grain in imitation of marble, also MARBELIZE, MARBLEISE, MARBLEIZE.
MARMELISINGmarmelising v. Present participle of marmelise.
MARMELISE v. (slang) to thrash, defeat heavily, also MARMALISE, MARMALIZE, MARMELIZE.
MONGRELISINGmongrelising v. Present participle of mongrelise.
MONGRELISE v. to make mongrel, also MONGRELIZE.
NICKELISINGnickelising v. Present participle of nickelise.
NICKELISE v. to plate with nickel, also NICKELIZE.
NOVELISINGnovelising v. Present participle of novelise.
NOVELISE v. to put into the form of a novel, also NOVELIZE.
OBELISINGobelising v. Present participle of obelise.
OBELISE v. to mark with an obelus, also OBELIZE.
PARALLELISINGparallelising v. Present participle of parallelise.
PARALLELISE v. to provide a parallel to, also PARALLELIZE.
SEQUELISINGsequelising v. Present participle of sequelise.
SEQUELISE v. to create a sequel to, also SEQUELIZE.
VOWELISINGvowelising v. Present participle of vowelise.
VOWELISE v. to use as a vowel, also VOWELIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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