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There are 18 words containing ELIEF

BELIEFbelief n. Mental acceptance of a claim as true.
belief n. Faith or trust in the reality of something; often based upon one’s own reasoning, trust in a claim…
belief n. (Countable) Something believed.
BELIEFLESSbeliefless adj. Without a belief or beliefs; faithless or nothingarian.
BELIEFLESS adj. without belief.
BELIEFSbeliefs n. Plural of belief.
BELIEF n. a conviction of the truth of anything.
DEMIRELIEFdemirelief n. (Art) demi-rilievo.
DEMIRELIEF n. carving in which the depth of the relief is halfway between that of high relief and low relief.
DEMIRELIEFSdemireliefs n. Plural of demirelief.
DEMIRELIEF n. carving in which the depth of the relief is halfway between that of high relief and low relief.
DISBELIEFdisbelief n. Unpreparedness, unwillingness, or inability to believe that something is the case.
disbelief n. Astonishment.
disbelief n. The loss or abandonment of a belief; cessation of belief.
DISBELIEFSdisbeliefs n. Plural of disbelief.
DISBELIEF n. lack of belief.
MISBELIEFmisbelief n. An erroneous belief.
misbelief n. (Religion) a heresy; an unorthodox belief.
misbelief n. (Obsolete) doubt; an erroneous lack of belief.
MISBELIEFSmisbeliefs n. Plural of misbelief.
MISBELIEF n. erroneous or false belief.
NONBELIEFnonbelief n. (Religion, philosophy) Failure to believe; lack of belief.
NONBELIEF n. absence of belief.
NONBELIEFSnonbeliefs n. Plural of nonbelief.
NONBELIEF n. absence of belief.
OUTRELIEFoutrelief n. Alternative form of out-relief.
out-relief n. (Historical) Cash or other aid given to the poor without their having to stay in the poorhouse.
OUTRELIEF n. outdoor relief.
OUTRELIEFSOUTRELIEF n. outdoor relief.
RELIEFrelief n. The removal of stress or discomfort.
relief n. The feeling associated with the removal of stress or discomfort.
relief n. Release from a post or duty, as when replaced by another.
RELIEFLESSreliefless adj. Destitute of relief; without a remedy.
RELIEFLESS adj. destitute of relief.
RELIEFSreliefs n. Plural of relief.
RELIEF n. aid in the form of money or necessities.
UNBELIEFunbelief n. An absence (or rejection) of belief, especially religious belief.
UNBELIEF n. lack of belief.
UNBELIEFSunbeliefs n. Plural of unbelief.
UNBELIEF n. lack of belief.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 95 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 78 words

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