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There are 18 words containing ELEPA

TELEPATHtelepath n. (Parapsychology, science fiction) A person with telepathic ability, capable of reading the thoughts…
telepath v. (Parapsychology, science fiction) To communicate by thought; to use telepathy.
TELEPATH n. one who claims to be able to read other minds.
TELEPATHStelepaths n. Plural of telepath.
telepaths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of telepath.
TELEPATH v. to read minds.
TELEPATHYtelepathy n. (Parapsychology) The capability to communicate directly by psychic means; the sympathetic affection…
TELEPATHY n. mind-reading.
TELEPATHEDtelepathed v. Simple past tense and past participle of telepath.
TELEPATH v. to read minds.
TELEPATHICtelepathic adj. (Parapsychology) Of, relating to, or using telepathy.
TELEPATHIC adj. related to telepathy.
TELEPATHIEStelepathies n. Plural of telepathy.
TELEPATHY n. mind-reading.
TELEPATHINGtelepathing v. Present participle of telepath.
TELEPATH v. to read minds.
TELEPATHISEtelepathise v. Alternative spelling of telepathize.
TELEPATHISE v. to communicate by telepathy, also TELEPATHIZE.
TELEPATHISTtelepathist n. Someone with telepathic powers.
TELEPATHIST n. one who practises telepathy.
TELEPATHIZEtelepathize v. (Transitive, parapsychology) To establish contact with or to receive via telepathy.
telepathize v. (Intransitive, parapsychology) To engage in telepathic communication.
TELEPATHIZE v. to communicate by telepathy, also TELEPATHISE.
TELEPATHISEDtelepathised v. Simple past tense and past participle of telepathise.
TELEPATHISE v. to communicate by telepathy, also TELEPATHIZE.
TELEPATHISEStelepathises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of telepathise.
TELEPATHISE v. to communicate by telepathy, also TELEPATHIZE.
TELEPATHISTStelepathists n. Plural of telepathist.
TELEPATHIST n. one who practises telepathy.
TELEPATHIZEDtelepathized v. Simple past tense and past participle of telepathize.
TELEPATHIZE v. to communicate by telepathy, also TELEPATHISE.
TELEPATHIZEStelepathizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of telepathize.
TELEPATHIZE v. to communicate by telepathy, also TELEPATHISE.
TELEPATHISINGtelepathising v. Present participle of telepathise.
TELEPATHISE v. to communicate by telepathy, also TELEPATHIZE.
TELEPATHIZINGtelepathizing v. Present participle of telepathize.
TELEPATHIZE v. to communicate by telepathy, also TELEPATHISE.
TELEPATHICALLYtelepathically adv. (Parapsychology) By means of telepathy.
TELEPATHIC adv. related to telepathy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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