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There are 12 words containing EGIAS

ELEGIASTelegiast n. One who composes elegies.
ELEGIAST n. one who composes elegies, also ELEGIST.
DIPLEGIASdiplegias n. Plural of diplegia.
DIPLEGIA n. paralysis of a part on both sides of the body.
ELEGIASTSelegiasts n. Plural of elegiast.
ELEGIAST n. one who composes elegies, also ELEGIST.
AQUILEGIASaquilegias n. Plural of aquilegia.
AQUILEGIA n. a genus of plants including columbine.
HEMIPLEGIAShemiplegias n. Plural of hemiplegia.
HEMIPLEGIA n. a palsy that affects one side only of the body.
MONOPLEGIASMONOPLEGIA n. paralysis affecting a single limb.
PARAPLEGIASparaplegias n. Plural of paraplegia.
PARAPLEGIA n. paralysis of lower half of body.
CYCLOPLEGIAScycloplegias n. Plural of cycloplegia.
CYCLOPLEGIA n. loss of visual accommodation because of ciliary muscle paralysis.
TETRAPLEGIAStetraplegias n. Plural of tetraplegia.
TETRAPLEGIA n. paralysis of both arms and both legs, also QUADRAPLEGIA, QUADRIPLEGIA.
CARDIOPLEGIAScardioplegias n. Plural of cardioplegia.
CARDIOPLEGIA n. deliberate arrest of the action of the heart, as by hypothermia or the injection of chemicals, to enable complex heart surgery to be carried out.
QUADRAPLEGIASQUADRAPLEGIA n. paralysis of both arms and both legs, also QUADRIPLEGIA, TETRAPLEGIA.
QUADRIPLEGIASquadriplegias n. Plural of quadriplegia.
QUADRIPLEGIA n. paralysis of both arms and both legs, also TETRAPLEGIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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