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There are 17 words containing EGARI

FEGARIESfegaries n. Plural of fegary.
FEGARY n. a whim, also VAGARY.
GREGARIANgregarian adj. (Obsolete) gregarious; belonging to the herd or common sort.
GREGARIAN adj. of a soldier, belonging to the common rank.
GREGARIANISMgregarianism n. Gregarious behaviour.
GREGARIANISM n. gregariousness.
GREGARINEgregarine n. Any of various sporozoan protozoans (subclass Gregarinasina) that are parasitic in the digestive tracts…
GREGARINE n. a member of the Gregarinida, a group of parasitic insects, molluscs and crustaceans.
GREGARINESgregarines n. Plural of gregarine.
GREGARINE n. a member of the Gregarinida, a group of parasitic insects, molluscs and crustaceans.
GREGARINIANGREGARINIAN adj. of or like a gregarine.
GREGARIOUSgregarious adj. (Of a person) Describing one who enjoys being in crowds and socializing.
gregarious adj. (Zoology) Of animals that travel in herds or packs.
gregarious adj. (Botany) Growing in open clusters or colonies; not matted together.
GREGARIOUSLYgregariously adv. In a gregarious manner.
GREGARIOUS adv. tending to associate with others of one's kind.
GREGARIOUSNESSgregariousness n. The state of being gregarious.
GREGARIOUS n. tending to associate with others of one's kind.
HEGARIhegari n. A kind of sorghum used as animal feed.
HEGARI n. a kind of sorghum grain.
HEGARIShegaris n. Plural of hegari.
HEGARI n. a kind of sorghum grain.
NONGREGARIOUSnongregarious adj. (Zoology) Not gregarious; solitary. Compare ungregarious.
NONGREGARIOUS adj. not gregarious.
VINEGARIERVINEGARY adj. tasting of vinegar.
VINEGARIESTVINEGARY adj. tasting of vinegar.
VINEGARINGvinegaring v. Present participle of vinegar.
VINEGAR v. to treat with a sour liquid used as a condiment or preservative.
VINEGARISHvinegarish adj. Tasting somewhat like vinegar.
vinegarish adj. (Figuratively) acerbic, bitter.
VINEGARISH adj. like vinegar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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