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There are 19 words containing EDIAS

MEDIASmedias n. (Proscribed) plural of media.
MEDIA n. (Latin) the middle layer of a blood vessel.
REDIASredias n. Plural of redia.
REDIA n. (Latin) the larva or certain flatworms.
ACEDIASACEDIA n. (Greek) sloth, physical torpor, also ACCIDIA, ACCIDIE.
MEDIASCAPEmediascape n. The metaphorical landscape of trends, tastes, etc. promoted by the media.
MEDIASTINAmediastina n. Plural of mediastinum.
MEDIASTINUM n. the chest cavity containing the heart.
CYCLOPEDIAScyclopedias n. Plural of cyclopedia.
CYCLOPEDIA n. an encyclopaedia, also CYCLOPAEDIA.
HYPERMEDIASHYPERMEDIA n. a system linking information stored as text, graphics, audio and video.
MEDIASCAPESmediascapes n. Plural of mediascape.
MEDIASTINALmediastinal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the mediastinum.
MEDIASTINAL adj. relating to the mediastinum, the chest cavity containing the heart.
MEDIASTINUMmediastinum n. (Anatomy) The region in mammals between the pleural sacs, containing the heart and all of the thoracic…
MEDIASTINUM n. the chest cavity containing the heart.
MULTIMEDIASMULTIMEDIA n. a technique (as the combining of sound, video, and text) for expressing ideas (as in communication, entertainment, or art) in which several media are employed.
ORTHOPEDIASORTHOPEDIA n. the art or process of curing deformities arising from (originally childhood) disease or injury, also ORTHOPAEDICS, ORTHOPAEDY, ORTHOPEDICS, ORTHOPEDY.
CYCLOPAEDIAScyclopaedias n. Plural of cyclopaedia.
cyclopædias n. Plural of cyclopædia.
CYCLOPAEDIA n. an encyclopaedia, also CYCLOPEDIA.
HYPNOPAEDIASHYPNOPAEDIA n. training or instruction during sleep.
AUTOSCHEDIASMautoschediasm n. Anything done with little forethought or preparation.
AUTOSCHEDIASM n. anything which is extemporized.
ENCYCLOPEDIASencyclopedias n. Plural of encyclopedia.
ENCYCLOPEDIA n. a work containing information on every branch, or on a particular branch, of knowledge, also ENCYCLOPAEDIA.
AUTOSCHEDIASMSautoschediasms n. Plural of autoschediasm.
AUTOSCHEDIASM n. anything which is extemporized.
ENCYCLOPAEDIASencyclopaedias n. Plural of encyclopaedia.
encyclopædias n. Plural of encyclopædia, an alternative spelling of encyclopaedia.
ENCYCLOPAEDIA n. a work containing information on every branch, or on a particular branch, of knowledge, also ENCYCLOPEDIA.
AUTOSCHEDIASTICautoschediastic adj. (Dated) impromptu, improvised, ex tempore or offhand.
AUTOSCHEDIASTIC adj. impromptu; on the spur of the moment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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