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There are 16 words containing ECTRE

PLECTREplectre n. (Obsolete, music) plectrum.
PLECTRE n. a small pointed object for plucking guitar strings, also PLECTRUM, PLECTRON.
SPECTREspectre n. Britain standard spelling of specter.
SPECTRE n. a visible disembodied spirit, also SPECTER.
ELECTRETelectret n. (Physics) A solid dielectric having a quasi-permanent charge; usually a metallized film; used in electroacoustic…
ELECTRET n. a nonconductor having permanent positive and negative poles.
LECTRESSlectress n. (Dated) A female lector.
LECTRESS n. a female lector.
PLECTRESplectres n. Plural of plectre.
PLECTRE n. a small pointed object for plucking guitar strings, also PLECTRUM, PLECTRON.
RECTRESSrectress n. Alternative form of rectoress.
RECTRESS n. a female rector, a rector's wife, also RECTORESS.
SPECTRESspectres n. Plural of spectre.
SPECTRE n. a visible disembodied spirit, also SPECTER.
ELECTRESSelectress n. (Rare, dated) A woman who can vote in an election.
electress n. (Now historical) The wife of a German elector, often used as a title.
ELECTRESS n. the wife or widow of an elector in the old German empire, also ELECTORESS.
ELECTRETSelectrets n. Plural of electret.
ELECTRET n. a nonconductor having permanent positive and negative poles.
DIRECTRESSdirectress n. A female director.
DIRECTRESS n. a female director, also DIRECTRICE, DIRECTRIX.
LECTRESSESlectresses n. Plural of lectress.
LECTRESS n. a female lector.
RECTRESSESrectresses n. Plural of rectress.
RECTRESS n. a female rector, a rector's wife, also RECTORESS.
ELECTRESSESelectresses n. Plural of electress.
ELECTRESS n. the wife or widow of an elector in the old German empire, also ELECTORESS.
PROTECTRESSprotectress n. A female protector.
PROTECTRESS n. a female protector, also PROTECTRIX.
DIRECTRESSESdirectresses n. Plural of directress.
DIRECTRESS n. a female director, also DIRECTRICE, DIRECTRIX.
PROTECTRESSESprotectresses n. Plural of protectress.
PROTECTRESS n. a female protector, also PROTECTRIX.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 12 words

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