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There are 17 words containing ECOUR

RECOURERECOURE v. (Spenser) to recover, also RECOWER.
RECOUREDRECOURE v. (Spenser) to recover, also RECOWER.
RECOURESRECOURE v. (Spenser) to recover, also RECOWER.
RECOURSErecourse n. The act of seeking assistance or advice.
recourse n. (Uncountable, recourse to) The use of (someone or something) as a source of help in a difficult situation.
recourse n. (Obsolete) A coursing back, or coursing again; renewed course; return; retreat; recurrence.
FORECOURTforecourt n. (Chiefly Britain) The area in front of a petrol station where the petrol pumps are situated.
forecourt n. (Chiefly Britain) Any open area in front of a building.
forecourt n. In racket sports, the front part of the court.
RECOURINGRECOURE v. (Spenser) to recover, also RECOWER.
RECOURSEDrecoursed v. Simple past tense and past participle of recourse.
RECOURSE v. to return, go back, revert.
RECOURSESrecourses n. Plural of recourse.
RECOURSE v. to return, go back, revert.
FORECOURSEforecourse n. (Nautical) The lowest foresail on a square-rigged foremast.
FORECOURSE n. a foresail.
FORECOURTSforecourts n. Plural of forecourt.
FORECOURT n. a court in front of a building.
RACECOURSEracecourse n. A course over which races are run.
racecourse n. (Britain) A racetrack where horse races are run.
RACECOURSE n. a course for racing.
RECOURSINGrecoursing v. Present participle of recourse.
RECOURSE v. to return, go back, revert.
TELECOURSEtelecourse n. In distance learning, a course that consists of a radio or television broadcast.
TELECOURSE n. a course of study conducted over television.
FORECOURSESforecourses n. Plural of forecourse.
FORECOURSE n. a foresail.
NONRECOURSEnonrecourse adj. (Finance) Of or pertaining to a form of financing, typically debt financing, in which the lender’s recourse…
NONRECOURSE adj. being or based on an agreement in which the lender has no right of recourse to the borrower's assets beyond stated limits.
RACECOURSESracecourses n. Plural of racecourse.
RACECOURSE n. a course for racing.
TELECOURSEStelecourses n. Plural of telecourse.
TELECOURSE n. a course of study conducted over television.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 294 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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