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There are 12 words containing ECOAT

BLUECOATbluecoat n. (Britain) A traditional dress code at certain prestigious British schools.
bluecoat n. (US history) A soldier or officer in the Union army during the American Civil War.
bluecoat n. (Dated) A policeman.
BLUECOATSbluecoats n. Plural of bluecoat.
BLUECOAT n. one dressed in blue, as a soldier, a sailor, a beadle, etc.
HOUSECOAThousecoat n. (North America) A bathrobe or dressing gown.
housecoat n. (Australia) A longish dress-like garment of one piece, fastening down the front, worn about the house.
house-coat n. Alternative spelling of housecoat.
HOUSECOATShousecoats n. Plural of housecoat.
house-coats n. Plural of house-coat.
HOUSECOAT n. a woman's usually long coat-like dressing-gown, worn at home.
RECOATrecoat v. To coat again (as with paint).
recoat n. A subsequent coat.
RECOAT v. to coat again.
RECOATEDrecoated v. Simple past tense and past participle of recoat.
RECOAT v. to coat again.
RECOATINGrecoating v. Present participle of recoat.
recoating n. A second or subsequent coating.
RECOAT v. to coat again.
RECOATSrecoats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recoat.
recoats n. Plural of recoat.
RECOAT v. to coat again.
WHITECOATwhitecoat n. A new-born baby harp or grey seal before its fur becomes grey, normally around 12 days old.
whitecoat n. (Derogatory) A laboratory scientist.
white␣coat n. A white, knee-length coat worn by laboratory workers etc as protection.
WHITECOATSwhitecoats n. Plural of whitecoat.
white␣coats n. Plural of white coat.
WHITECOAT n. a white-furred seal pup.
WYLIECOATwyliecoat n. (Scotland) A heavy vest that is worn to provide warmth.
wylie-coat n. (Scotland, historical) A flannel undervest or petticoat.
WYLIECOAT n. (Scots) a flannel undervest or petticoat.
WYLIECOATSwyliecoats n. Plural of wyliecoat.
wylie-coats n. Plural of wylie-coat.
WYLIECOAT n. (Scots) a flannel undervest or petticoat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • Scrabble in French: no word
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