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There are 10 words containing ECINE

DRYOPITHECINEdryopithecine adj. (Zoology) Of, or relating to, the primate genus Dryopithecus, considered to be relatives of both humans and apes.
dryopithecine n. (Zoology) Any member of this genus of primates.
DRYOPITHECINE n. a gorilla, chimpanzee or man.
DRYOPITHECINESdryopithecines n. Plural of dryopithecine.
DRYOPITHECINE n. a gorilla, chimpanzee or man.
FLEECINESSfleeciness n. The quality of being fleecy.
FLEECINESS n. the state of being fleecy.
FLEECINESSESFLEECINESS n. the state of being fleecy.
INTERNECINEinternecine adj. Mutually destructive; most often applied to warfare.
internecine adj. Characterized by struggle within a group, usually applied to an ethnic or familial relationship.
INTERNECINE adj. deadly, murderous, also INTERNECIVE.
RAMAPITHECINEramapithecine n. Any extinct hominoid of the genus †Ramapithecus (now known as †Sivapithecus).
RAMAPITHECINE n. an early Pliocene genus of primates.
RAMAPITHECINESramapithecines n. Plural of ramapithecine.
RAMAPITHECINE n. an early Pliocene genus of primates.
TELECINEtelecine n. (Film) The process of transferring motion picture film into electronic form.
telecine n. A machine used to carry out this process.
telecine v. To transfer (motion picture film) into electronic form.
TELECINEStelecines n. Plural of telecine.
TELECINE n. the transmission of filmed material by television.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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