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There are 9 words containing ECIME

DECIMEdecime n. (Historical, law, obsolete) Synonym of tithing (a division of the hundreds of medieval England).
decime n. (Historical) A French coin minted from 1795 to 1801 and from 1814 to 1815, valued at one-tenth of a franc.
decime n. (Informal) A 10-centime coin, minted up to 1999 and bearing the same value.
DECIMESdecimes n. Plural of decime.
décimes n. Plural of décime.
DECIME n. (historical) a former unit of currency in France, 1/10 of a franc.
SPECIMENspecimen n. An individual instance that represents a class; an example.
specimen n. A sample, especially one used for diagnostic analysis.
specimen n. (Humorous, often preceded with “fine”) An eligible man.
DECIMETERdecimeter n. US spelling of decimetre.
DECIMETER n. one tenth of a metre, also DECIMETRE.
DECIMETREdecimetre n. (Metrology) An SI unit of length equal to 10-1 metres. Symbol: dm.
DECIMETRE n. one tenth of a metre, also DECIMETER.
SPECIMENSspecimens n. Plural of specimen.
SPECIMEN n. a representative of a group or a whole thing.
DECIMETERSdecimeters n. Plural of decimeter.
DECIMETER n. one tenth of a metre, also DECIMETRE.
DECIMETRESdecimetres n. Plural of decimetre.
DECIMETRE n. one tenth of a metre, also DECIMETER.
DECIMETRICdecimetric adj. Having dimensions (especially wavelength) measured in decimetres.
DECIMETRIC adj. relating to a decimetre, one tenth of a metre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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