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There are 19 words containing EARAB

BEARABILITIESBEARABILITY n. the ability to be borne.
BEARABILITYbearability n. Bearableness.
BEARABILITY n. the ability to be borne.
BEARABLEbearable adj. Able to be borne; tolerable; endurable.
bearable adj. Able to be borne or carried; portable.
BEARABLE adj. able to be borne.
BEARABLENESSbearableness n. The characteristic of being bearable.
BEARABLENESS n. the state of being bearable.
BEARABLENESSESBEARABLENESS n. the state of being bearable.
BEARABLYbearably adv. In a bearable manner.
BEARABLE adv. able to be borne.
CLEARABLEclearable adj. Able to be cleared.
CLEARABLE adj. that can be cleared.
HEARABLEhearable adj. That can be heard; audible.
HEARABLE adj. able to be heard.
TEARABLEtearable adj. Able to be torn.
TEARABLE adj. able to be torn.
UNBEARABLEunbearable adj. So unpleasant or painful as to be unendurable.
UNBEARABLE adj. that cannot be borne.
UNBEARABLENESSunbearableness n. The quality of being unbearable.
UNBEARABLENESS n. the state of being unbearable.
UNBEARABLYunbearably adv. In an unbearable manner, not bearably, in a way unable to be borne.
UNBEARABLE adv. that cannot be borne.
UNTEARABLEuntearable adj. Not tearable; that cannot be torn.
UNTEARABLE adj. not tearable.
UNWEARABLEunwearable adj. Not able to be worn.
unwearable n. Something, such as clothing, that cannot be worn.
UNWEARABLE n. something that is not wearable.
UNWEARABLESunwearables n. Plural of unwearable.
UNWEARABLE n. something that is not wearable.
WEARABILITIESwearabilities n. Plural of wearability.
WEARABILITY n. the ability to be worn.
WEARABILITYwearability n. The state or condition of being (comfortably) wearable.
WEARABILITY n. the ability to be worn.
WEARABLEwearable adj. Able to be worn.
wearable n. Something that can be worn; an item of clothing.
wearable n. (Computing) Ellipsis of wearable computer (“small computer which can be worn on the body”).
WEARABLESwearables n. Plural of wearable.
WEARABLE n. a garment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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