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There are 19 nine-letter words containing ETICS

ANORETICSanoretics n. Plural of anoretic.
ANORETIC n. one suffering from anorexia also ANORECTIC, ANOREXIC.
ATHLETICSathletics n. (Sports, especially Britain) A group of sporting activities including track and field, road running…
athletics n. (Sports, especially US) Physical activities such as sports and games requiring stamina, fitness and skill.
athletics n. Plural of athletic.
COSMETICScosmetics n. Preparations applied externally to change or enhance the beauty of skin, hair, nails, lips, and eyes.
cosmetics n. The study of such products.
COSMETIC n. a beauty preparation.
DIABETICSdiabetics n. Plural of diabetic.
DIABETIC n. one who has diabetes.
DIETETICSdietetics n. The study of diet and nutrition in relation to health and disease.
DIETETICS n. that part of the medical or hygienic art which relates to diet or food.
DIURETICSdiuretics n. Plural of diuretic.
DIURETIC n. a medicine that increases the flow of urine.
ENURETICSenuretics n. Plural of enuretic.
ENURETIC n. one who is affected with enuresis.
ESTHETICSesthetics n. (American spelling) Alternative form of aesthetics.
ESTHETICS n. the principles of taste and art; the philosophy of the fine arts, also AESTHETICS.
EXEGETICSexegetics n. The science of interpretation or exegesis.
EXEGETICS n. the science of interpretation or exegesis.
FRENETICSfrenetics n. Plural of frenetic.
FRENETIC n. a madman.
GEODETICSgeodetics n. The scientific discipline that deals with the measurement and representation of the earth, its gravitational…
GEODETIC n. a geodesic line.
HERMETICShermetics n. Hermetic philosophy or practice.
HERMETICS n. the philosophy contained in the Hermetic Books, esoteric alchemy.
HERPETICSHERPETIC n. a person suffering from herpes.
HEURETICSheuretics n. Plural of heuretic.
HEURETICS n. the art of discovery in logic; education by encouraging pupils to learn for themselves, also HEURISTICS.
MAGNETICSmagnetics n. The science or study of magnets and magnetism.
MAGNETICS n. the study of magnetism.
PATHETICSpathetics n. Pathetic language or behaviour.
pathetics n. (Obsolete) The study of people’s emotions or passions.
PATHETICS n. the branch of knowledge that deals with human emotions.
PHENETICSphenetics n. (Systematics) A form of numerical systematics in which organisms are grouped based upon the total or…
PHENETICS n. a system of classification of organisms based on observable similarities irrespective of whether or not the organisms are related.
PHONETICSphonetics n. (Linguistics) The study of the physical sounds of human speech, concerned with the physical properties…
PHONETICS n. the branch of linguistics that deals with pronunciation and speech production, also PHONICS.
PHYLETICSphyletics n. Phylogeny.
PHYLETICS n. the study of the evolution of species.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 26 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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