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There are 12 nine-letter words containing ESTAT

APPESTATSappestats n. Plural of appestat.
APPESTAT n. a neural centre in the hypothalamus believed to control (food) appetite.
GESTATINGgestating v. Present participle of gestate.
GESTATE v. to carry in the uterus during pregnancy.
GESTATIONgestation n. The period of time during which an animal or human offspring physically develops inside the mother’s…
gestation n. The process of development of a plan or idea.
GESTATION n. the process of gestating, bearing in the womb.
GESTATIVEgestative adj. Of or relating to gestation.
GESTATIVE adj. relating to gestation, the process of gestating, bearing in the womb, also GESTATIONAL.
GESTATORYgestatory adj. Pertaining to gestation or pregnancy.
gestatory adj. (Obsolete) Capable of being carried or worn.
GESTATORY adj. (archaic) relating to carrying, also GESTATORIAL.
INTESTATEintestate adj. Without a valid will indicating whom to leave one’s estate to after death.
intestate adj. Not devised or bequeathed; not disposed of by will.
intestate n. (Law) A person who dies without making a valid will.
RESTATINGrestating v. Present participle of restate.
restating n. An act of restatement.
RESTATE v. to state again.
RESTATIONrestation v. (Transitive) To assign (military personnel) to a different area.
RESTATION v. to station again.
TESTATIONtestation n. The action of a testator in disposing of property by a will.
TESTATION n. a witnessing or witness.
TESTATORStestators n. Plural of testator.
TESTATOR n. one who makes a will, also TESTATE.
TESTATRIXtestatrix n. (Law) A female testator.
TESTATRIX n. a (female) person who leaves a valid will at death.
TESTATUMStestatums n. Plural of testatum.
TESTATUM n. (Latin) one of the clauses of an English deed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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