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There are 10 nine-letter words containing ENTOS

ASSIENTOSassientos n. Plural of assiento.
ASSIENTO n. (Spanish) a treaty, esp. that between Spain and Britain, 1713 for the supply of African slaves for Spanish American dominions.
DUECENTOSDUECENTO n. (Italian) the thirteenth century, esp. in Italian art.
PENTOSANEpentosane n. Alternative form of pentosan.
PENTOSANE n. a complex carbohydrate found in cellulose, also PENTOSAN.
PENTOSANSpentosans n. Plural of pentosan.
PENTOSAN n. a complex carbohydrate found in cellulose, also PENTOSANE.
PENTOSIDEpentoside n. (Organic chemistry) Any glycoside derived from a pentose.
PENTOSIDE n. a compound containing sugar.
PIMIENTOSpimientos n. Plural of pimiento.
PIMIENTO n. (Spanish) the sweet red, yellow or green pepper, capsicum.
SEICENTOSSEICENTO n. (Italian) the seventeenth century in Italy; the Italian style of art, literature, etc., of this period.
TOMENTOSEtomentose adj. (Biology, of a surface) covered in (often matted) hairs.
TOMENTOSE adj. bearing thickly matted hair or fur, also TOMENTOUS.
TRECENTOSTRECENTO n. (Italian) the 14th century, esp. with reference to Italian art, literature, etc.
VENTOSITYventosity n. The quality or state of being ventose; windiness.
ventosity n. (By extension) vainglory; pride.
VENTOSITY n. the state of being ventose; hence, vainglory; pride.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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