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There are 16 nine-letter words containing ENTOR

ACCENTORSaccentors n. Plural of accentor.
ACCENTOR n. a song bird.
ASSENTORSassentors n. Plural of assentor.
ASSENTOR n. one who agrees, also ASSENTER.
AUGMENTORaugmentor n. Alternative form of augmenter.
AUGMENTOR n. one who, or that which, augments, also AUGMENTER.
COMMENTORcommentor n. Alternative form of commenter.
COMMENTOR n. one who comments, also COMMENTER.
FERMENTORfermentor n. The vessel in which fermentation takes place.
FERMENTOR n. an agent that causes fermentation, also FERMENTER.
INDENTORSindentors n. Plural of indentor.
INDENTOR n. one that indents, also INDENTER.
INVENTORSinventors n. Plural of inventor.
INVENTOR n. one who invents, also INVENTER.
INVENTORYinventory n. (Operations) The stock of an item on hand at a particular location or business.
inventory n. (Operations) A detailed list of all of the items on hand.
inventory n. (Operations) The process of producing or updating such a list.
MENTORIALmentorial adj. Of or relating to a mentor.
MENTORIAL adj. containing advice or admonition.
MENTORINGmentoring v. Present participle of mentor.
mentoring n. An arrangement by which one person mentors another.
MENTORING n. the act of serving as friend and tutor to.
PATENTORSpatentors n. Plural of patentor.
PATENTOR n. one who grants a patent.
PRECENTORprecentor n. The person who leads songs or prayers in a cathedral, church, monastery, or synagogue and generally…
PRECENTOR n. a leader of the singing of a church choir.
SUCCENTORsuccentor n. A person who sings the responses to a precentor in a cathedral.
SUCCENTOR n. a bass soloist in a choir.
TENTORIALtentorial adj. Of or pertaining to the tentorium.
TENTORIAL adj. relating to a tentorium, a fold of the dura mater.
TENTORIUMtentorium n. The framework of internal supports (a false endoskeleton) within an arthropod head, formed by ingrowths…
tentorium n. (Anatomy) The tentorium cerebelli, an extension of the dura mater that separates the cerebellum from…
TENTORIUM n. (Latin) a sheet of the dura mater stretched between the cerebrum and the cerebellum.
TORMENTORtormentor n. One who torments; a person, animal, or object that causes suffering.
tormentor n. (Figuratively) Something abstract that causes suffering.
tormentor n. (Theater) One of a pair of narrow curtains just behind the front curtain and teaser that mask the areas…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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