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There are 7 nine-letter words containing ENTES

CENTESIMIcentesimi n. Plural of centesimo.
CENTESIMO n. (Spanish) a copper coin of Italy and Spain equivalent to a centime.
CENTESIMOcentesimo n. (Historical) A unit of currency constituting one hundredth of a lira.
centesimo n. A monetary unit worth one-hundredth of the main currency in Uruguay, Panama and (formerly) Chile.
CENTESIMO n. (Spanish) a copper coin of Italy and Spain equivalent to a centime.
DECENTESTdecentest adj. Superlative form of decent: most decent.
DECENT adj. conforming to standards of propriety.
DIAPENTESdiapentes n. Plural of diapente.
DIAPENTE n. (Greek) in Greek music, the interval of the fifth.
RECENTESTrecentest adj. Superlative form of recent: most recent.
RECENT adj. happening not long ago.
SILENTESTsilentest adj. Superlative form of silent: most silent.
SILENT adj. without sound.
SIRVENTESsirventes n. Plural of sirvente.
SIRVENTE n. (French) a (usually satirical) poem or lay recited by a medieval troubadour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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