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There are 14 nine-letter words containing EDIAT

IMMEDIATEimmediate adj. Happening right away, instantly, with no delay.
immediate adj. Very close; direct or adjacent.
immediate adj. Manifestly true; requiring no argument.
MEDIATELYmediately adv. In a mediate manner, by the intervention of an intermediary agent or means; indirectly.
MEDIATE adv. middle, intervening.
MEDIATINGmediating v. Present participle of mediate.
MEDIATE v. to act as an intermediary.
MEDIATIONmediation n. Negotiation to resolve differences conducted by an impartial party.
mediation n. The act of intervening for the purpose of bringing about a settlement.
mediation n. (Gallicism) heritage interpretation.
MEDIATISEmediatise v. Alternative spelling of mediatize.
MEDIATISE v. to cause to act through an agent or to hold a subordinate position, also MEDIATIZE.
MEDIATIVEmediative adj. Pertaining to mediation; that mediates.
MEDIATIVE adj. pertaining to mediation.
MEDIATIZEmediatize v. To make (a state or leader under the Holy Roman Empire) into a mediate vessel rather than an immediate…
mediatize v. To reduce the effect of (something) by introducing a mediating agent.
mediatize v. To filter (An event etc.) through the mass media; to exploit (something or someone) for media exposure.
MEDIATORSmediators n. Plural of mediator.
MEDIATOR n. one who mediates.
MEDIATORYmediatory adj. Of or relating to mediation.
MEDIATORY adj. acting to mediate.
MEDIATRIXmediatrix n. A female mediator.
mediatrix n. (Geometry) The line that is perpendicular to a line segment and intersects the line segment at its midpoint.
MEDIATRIX n. (archaic) a female mediator, also MEDIATRESS.
PAEDIATRYpaediatry n. Alternative form of paediatrics, the branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of children.
pædiatry n. Obsolete spelling of paediatry.
PAEDIATRY n. the care of children.
PEDIATRICpediatric adj. (American spelling) Of or pertaining to pediatrics, the branch of medicine dealing with the care and…
PEDIATRIC adj. relating to the care of children, also PAEDIATRIC.
REMEDIATEremediate v. (Transitive) To correct or improve (a deficiency or problem).
remediate adj. (Rare, archaic, education) Intended to correct or improve deficient skills in some subject.
remediate adj. (Obsolete) Remedial.
SOREDIATEsorediate adj. (Botany) Pertaining to or characterized by the presence of many soredia.
SOREDIATE adj. bearing soredia, small vegetative reproduction bodies in lichen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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