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There are 12 nine-letter words containing ECHIN

BREECHINGbreeching n. (Historical) The ceremony of dressing a boy in trousers for the first time.
breeching n. A conduit through which exhaust gases are conducted to a chimney.
breeching n. (Nautical) A rope used to secure a cannon.
CATECHINScatechins n. Plural of catechin.
CATECHIN n. one of the tannic acids, extracted from catechu as a white, crystalline substance.
DEPECHINGDEPECHE v. (French) to dispatch, rid oneself of.
ECHINACEAechinacea n. (Countable) Any of several plants, of genus Echinacea, having pinkish-purple flowers.
echinacea n. (Uncountable) A herbal medicine extracted from the roots and seeds of such plants.
Echinacea prop.n. A taxonomic superorder within the class Echinoidea – sea urchins with solid spines and gills.
ECHINATEDechinated adj. Echinate; prickly.
ECHINATED adj. prickly like a hedgehog, bristly, also ECHINATE.
ECHINOIDSechinoids n. Plural of echinoid.
ECHINOID n. a sea urchin, also ECHINUS.
ECHINUSESechinuses n. Plural of echinus.
ECHINUS n. (Latin) a sea urchin, also ECHINOID.
FLEECHINGfleeching v. Present participle of fleech.
fleeching n. Cajolery; flattery.
FLEECHING n. flattery, coaxing.
SMEECHINGSMEECH v. (dialect) to smoke, also SMEEK.
SPEECHINGspeeching n. The act of making a speech.
speeching v. Present participle of speech.
SPEECH v. to harangue.
TECHINESStechiness n. Alternative form of tetchiness.
techiness n. (Informal) The quality of being techy, or technically oriented.
TECHINESS n. the state of being techy.
WHEECHINGwheeching v. Present participle of wheech.
WHEECH v. (Scots) to move rapidly with a whizzing sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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