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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing ENDEN

CODEPENDENCEScodependences n. Plural of codependence.
co-dependences n. Plural of co-dependence.
CODEPENDENCE n. joint dependence of two or more entities, esp. factors or mathematical objects, on each other, also CODEPENDENCY.
INDEPENDENCESindependences n. Plural of independence.
INDEPENDENCE n. the state of being independent, also INDEPENDENCY.
INDEPENDENTLYindependently adv. In an independent manner.
INDEPENDENT adv. not committed to any group.
NONDEPENDENTSnondependents n. Plural of nondependent.
NONDEPENDENT n. one who is not a dependent.
OVERDEPENDENToverdependent adj. Excessively dependent.
OVERDEPENDENT adj. excessively dependent.
RESPLENDENCESresplendences n. Plural of resplendence.
RESPLENDENCE n. the state of being resplendent, also RESPLENDENCY.
RESPLENDENTLYresplendently adv. In a resplendent manner.
RESPLENDENT adv. shining brilliantly.
TENDENCIOUSLYTENDENCIOUS adv. marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view, biased, also TENDENTIAL, TENDENTIOUS.
TENDENTIOUSLYtendentiously adv. In a tendentious manner.
TENDENTIOUS adv. marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view, biased, also TENDENCIOUS, TENDENTIAL.
TRANSCENDENCEtranscendence n. (Countable) The act of surpassing usual limits.
transcendence n. (Uncountable) The state of being beyond the range of normal perception.
transcendence n. (Uncountable) The state of being free from the constraints of the material world, as in the case of a deity.
TRANSCENDENCYtranscendency n. Transcendence.
transcendency n. (Obsolete) elevation above the truth; exaggeration.
TRANSCENDENTStranscendents n. Plural of transcendent.
TRANSCENDENT n. a transcendent thing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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