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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing ESSEN

DELICATESSENdelicatessen n. A shop that sells cooked or prepared foods ready for serving.
delicatessen n. Delicacies; exotic or expensive foods.
DELICATESSEN n. ready to eat food products, such as cooked meats and prepared salads.
ESSENTIALISEessentialise v. Alternative form of essentialize.
ESSENTIALISE v. to express or formulate in essential form, also ESSENTIALIZE.
ESSENTIALISMessentialism n. (Philosophy) The view that objects have properties that are essential to them.
essentialism n. (Sociology) The view that all members of certain groups of people (such as those with the same race…
essentialism n. (Education) The doctrine that there are certain traditional concepts, values, and skills that are essential…
ESSENTIALISTessentialist n. An advocate of essentialism.
essentialist adj. Of or pertaining to essentialism.
ESSENTIALIST n. a believer in essentialism.
ESSENTIALITYessentiality n. The condition of being essential; a basic set of essential traits; being.
essentiality n. An essential thing.
ESSENTIALITY n. the state of being essential.
ESSENTIALIZEessentialize v. (Transitive) To reduce (something) to its essence.
essentialize v. (Transitive) To misrepresent (something) by oversimplifying a summary of its essence.
essentialize v. (Transitive) To misrepresent (a characteristic of something) by falsely portraying it as essential to…
INESSENTIALSinessentials n. Plural of inessential.
INESSENTIAL n. something not essential.
MESSENGERINGmessengering v. Present participle of messenger.
MESSENGER v. to send by messenger.
NONESSENTIALnonessential adj. Not required; not essential.
nonessential n. Something that is not essential.
non-essential adj. Alternative spelling of nonessential.
QUINTESSENCEquintessence n. A thing that is the most perfect example of its type; the most perfect embodiment of something; epitome, prototype.
quintessence n. A pure substance.
quintessence n. The essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form.
RESSENTIMENTressentiment n. Obsolete form of resentment.
ressentiment n. (Chiefly philosophy, social psychology) A sense of resentment arising from suppressed feelings of envy…
RESSENTIMENT n. a feeling of resentment and hostility accompanied by the lack of means to express or act upon it.
UNESSENTIALSunessentials n. Things that are not essential.
UNESSENTIAL n. something not essential.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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