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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing EGATI

AGGREGATIONSaggregations n. Plural of aggregation.
AGGREGATION n. a group, body, or mass composed of many distinct parts or individuals.
CONGREGATINGcongregating v. Present participle of congregate.
CONGREGATE v. to collect into a group or crowd.
CONGREGATIONcongregation n. The act of congregating or collecting together.
congregation n. A gathering of faithful in a temple, church, synagogue, mosque or other place of worship. It can also…
congregation n. A Roman Congregation, a main department of the Vatican administration of the Catholic Church.
CONGREGATIVEcongregative adj. That congregates.
CONGREGATIVE adj. collecting together.
DISGREGATIONdisgregation n. Separation; scattering.
disgregation n. (Thermodynamics, obsolete or historical) A measure of the separation of the particles of a system; an…
DISGREGATION n. separation; scattering.
NEGATIONISTSnegationists n. Plural of negationist.
NEGATIONIST n. someone who merely denies, without offering any positive assertion.
NEGATIVENESSnegativeness n. The characteristic of being negative; negativity.
NEGATIVENESS n. the state of being negative.
NEGATIVISTICnegativistic adj. Passive-aggressive.
NEGATIVISTIC adj. relating to negativism.
NEGATIVITIESnegativities n. Plural of negativity.
NEGATIVITY n. the state of being negative.
SEGREGATIONSsegregations n. Plural of segregation.
SEGREGATION n. the act of segregating.
SERONEGATIVEseronegative adj. (Of blood serum): Testing negative for a given pathogen, especially HIV.
seronegative adj. (Of a person or animal): Having seronegative blood serum.
seronegative n. Such a serum of person.
VARIEGATIONSvariegations n. Plural of variegation.
VARIEGATION n. the act of variegating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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