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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing ESTIC

CANDLESTICKcandlestick n. A holder with a socket or spike for a candle.
candlestick n. (Gymnastics) A gymnastics move in which the legs are pointed vertically upward.
candlestick n. (Finance) A color-coded bar showing the open and closing prices of a stock on a candlestick chart.
DOMESTICATEdomesticate v. (Transitive) To make domestic.
domesticate v. (Transitive) To make (more) fit for domestic life.
domesticate v. (Transitive) To adapt to live with humans.
DOMESTICISEdomesticise v. Alternative form of domesticize.
DOMESTICISE v. to make domestic, also DOMESTICIZE.
DOMESTICITYdomesticity n. Life at home; homelife.
domesticity n. (In the plural) Domestic chores; housework.
domesticity n. Affection for the home and its material comforts.
DOMESTICIZEdomesticize v. To make domestic; domesticate.
DOMESTICIZE v. to make domestic, also DOMESTICISE.
FIDDLESTICKfiddlestick n. One of a pair of sticks, similar to drumsticks, used by a second player to percuss the strings of a…
fiddlestick n. A bow used to play the fiddle.
fiddlestick n. A whit; a jot.
GESTICULANTgesticulant adj. (Rare) gesticulating.
GESTICULANT adj. making gesticulations.
GESTICULATEgesticulate v. (Intransitive) To make gestures or motions, as in speaking.
gesticulate v. (Transitive) To say or express through gestures.
GESTICULATE v. to make gestures esp. when speaking.
METRESTICKSmetre␣sticks n. Plural of metre stick.
METRESTICK n. a measuring stick one metre long, also METERSTICK.
NEEDLESTICKneedlestick n. Puncture of the skin by a hypodermic needle or other sharp object.
NEEDLESTICK n. an accidental puncture of the skin with an unsterilized instrument (such as a syringe).
NONDOMESTICnondomestic adj. Not domestic: foreign.
nondomestic n. One who is not a domestic.
NONDOMESTIC adj. not domestic.
SINGLESTICKsinglestick n. A one-handed wooden stick used for fencing in place of a sword.
singlestick n. (Uncountable) A martial art, sport or exercise using a cudgel or backsword.
SINGLESTICK n. a one-handed fencing stick with a hand guard.
TESTICULATEtesticulate adj. Resembling a testicle.
testiculate adj. Testicular.
TESTICULATE adj. like a testicle, esp. in shape, also TESTICULATED.
TRANSVESTICtransvestic adj. Relating to transvestism.
TRANSVESTIC adj. relating to transvestism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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