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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing ENTIC

APPRENTICEDapprenticed v. Simple past tense and past participle of apprentice.
APPRENTICE v. to set someone to work to learn a trade.
APPRENTICESapprentices n. Plural of apprentice.
apprentices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apprentice.
APPRENTICE v. to set someone to work to learn a trade.
AUTHENTICALauthentical adj. (Archaic) Authentic.
AUTHENTICAL adj. (archaic) authentic.
CONVENTICLEconventicle n. A secret, unauthorized or illegal religious meeting.
conventicle n. The place where such a meeting is held.
conventicle n. A Quaker meetinghouse.
DENTICULATEdenticulate adj. (Botany, zoology) Finely dentate, as a leaf edge; bearing many small toothlike structures.
denticulate adj. (Architecture) Having dentils or denticules.
denticulate n. A denticulated object.
ENTICEMENTSenticements n. Plural of enticement.
ENTICEMENT n. the act of enticing.
IDENTICALLYidentically adv. In an identical manner.
identically adv. (Mathematics) In terms of an identity.
IDENTICAL adv. exactly the same, also IDENTIC.
INAUTHENTICinauthentic adj. Not authentic or genuine; spurious.
INAUTHENTIC adj. not authentic.
LENTICULARSlenticulars n. Plural of lenticular.
LENTICULAR n. a three-dimensional picture made up of photographs of a scene which have been taken from several angles, split into strips, juxtaposed, and laminated with corrugated plastic.
RODENTICIDErodenticide n. Any toxic substance used to kill rodent pests.
RODENTICIDE n. the killing of rodents.
UNAUTHENTICunauthentic adj. Not authentic.
UNAUTHENTIC adj. not authentic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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