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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing ESTAN

ARRESTANTSarrestants n. Plural of arrestant.
ARRESTANT n. a substance causing an insect to stop moving.
ATTESTANTSATTESTANT n. one who attests.
CONTESTANTcontestant n. A participant in a contest; specifically, a person who plays a game, as on a TV game show.
contestant n. One who brings a legal challenge.
CONTESTANT n. one that participates in a contest.
DIGESTANTSdigestants n. Plural of digestant.
DIGESTANT n. serving to digest, also DIGESTIVE.
ESTANCIEROestanciero n. The boss or supervisor in charge of the workers on an estancia.
ESTANCIERO n. (Spanish) a farmer on an estancia, a Spanish-American cattle-estate.
HOMESTANDShomestands n. Plural of homestand.
HOMESTAND n. a series of games played at a team's home ground.
INFESTANTSinfestants n. Plural of infestant.
INFESTANT n. something that infests.
PROTESTANTprotestant adj. Alternative letter-case form of Protestant.
protestant adj. Protesting.
protestant n. (Chiefly law) One who protests; a protester.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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