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There are 18 ten-letter words containing EMINA

EFFEMINACYeffeminacy n. The quality of being effeminate.
EFFEMINACY n. the quality of being effeminate.
EFFEMINATEeffeminate adj. (Often derogatory, of a man or boy) Exhibiting behaviour or mannerisms considered typical of a female; unmasculine.
effeminate adj. (Obsolete) Womanly; tender, affectionate, caring.
effeminate v. (Transitive, archaic or nonstandard) To make womanly; to unman.
FEMINACIESfeminacies n. Plural of feminacy.
FEMINACY n. the state of being a female.
FEMINALITYfeminality n. The quality of being feminal; femininity.
GEMINATELYgeminately adv. In a geminate manner.
GEMINATE adv. twinned.
GEMINATINGgeminating v. Present participle of geminate.
GEMINATE v. to arrange in pairs.
GEMINATIONgemination n. A doubling.
gemination n. (Phonetics) The phenomenon of a consonant being pronounced for an audibly longer period of time than…
GEMINATION n. the act of geminating.
INGEMINATEingeminate v. (Transitive) To say (A statement, word etc.) two or more times; to reiterate, to emphasize through repetition.
ingeminate adj. Redoubled.
ingeminate adj. Reiterated.
INSEMINATEinseminate v. To sow (to disperse or plant seeds).
inseminate v. To fill with one’s semen.
inseminate v. (By extension) To impregnate (to cause to become pregnant).
PROSEMINARproseminar n. A seminar that is open to (and accessible to) upper level undergraduates; contrasts with a graduate…
PROSEMINAR n. a course of study like a graduate seminar but often open to advanced students.
SEMINALITYseminality n. The quality or state of being seminal.
SEMINALITY n. the state of being seminal.
SEMINARIALseminarial adj. Relating to a seminary (in various senses).
SEMINARIAL adj. of a seminary.
SEMINARIANseminarian n. Someone who studies at a seminary.
SEMINARIAN n. a member of, or one educated in, a seminary; specifically, an ecclesiastic educated for the priesthood in a seminary, also SEMINARIST.
SEMINARIESseminaries n. Plural of seminary.
SEMINARY n. a school for training priests, ministers or rabbis.
SEMINARISTseminarist n. (Roman Catholicism) A student training to be a priest at a Roman Catholic seminary.
seminarist n. (Now rare) A member of a seminar.
SEMINARIST n. a member of, or one educated in, a seminary; specifically, an ecclesiastic educated for the priesthood in a seminary, also SEMINARIAN.
SEMINATINGseminating v. Present participle of seminate.
SEMINATE v. to sow.
SEMINATIONsemination n. The act of sowing or spreading.
semination n. (Botany) The natural dispersion of seeds.
SEMINATION n. the act of sowing or spreading.
TRIGEMINALtrigeminal adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to the trigeminal nerve (the fifth cranial nerve).
trigeminal n. (Neuroanatomy) Ellipsis of trigeminal nerve..
TRIGEMINAL adj. threefold; three-branched.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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