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There are 8 ten-letter words containing EGRES

DEGRESSIONdegression n. (Obsolete) Descent, the act of descending.
degression n. (Economics) Degressive taxation, a system of progressive decreases in a rate of taxation (As tariffs…
degression n. (Publishing) Degressive description, a system of varying descriptions of a book in accordance to its…
DEGRESSIVEdegressive adj. Tending to decrease.
degressive adj. Decreasing in steps.
DEGRESSIVE adj. showing degression, a gradual decrease, a reduction in taxes.
EGRESSIONSegressions n. Plural of egression.
EGRESSION n. the act of going out.
EGRESSIVESegressives n. Plural of egressive.
EGRESSIVE n. an egressive speech sound.
REGRESSINGregressing v. Present participle of regress.
regressing adj. Undergoing regression.
REGRESS v. to go back.
REGRESSIONregression n. An action of regressing, a return to a previous state.
regression n. An action of travelling mentally back in time.
regression n. (Psychotherapy) A psychotherapeutic method whereby healing is facilitated by inducing the patient to…
REGRESSIVEregressive adj. That tends to return, revert or regress.
regressive adj. (Of a tax) Whose rate decreases as the taxed amount increases.
REGRESSIVE adj. tending to regress.
REGRESSORSregressors n. Plural of regressor.
REGRESSOR n. one who regresses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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