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There are 8 ten-letter words containing ECIMA

DECIMALISEdecimalise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of decimalize.
DECIMALISE v. to convert to a decimal system, also DECIMALIZE.
DECIMALISMdecimalism n. (Dated) The decimal system.
DECIMALISM n. the system of a decimal currency, decimal weights, measures, etc.
DECIMALISTdecimalist n. A person who supports the use of the decimal system for weights, money, etc.
DECIMALIST n. one who advocates a decimal system.
DECIMALIZEdecimalize v. (Transitive, intransitive): To convert to the decimal system.
DECIMALIZE v. to convert to a decimal system, esp. the metric system, also DECIMALISE.
DECIMATINGdecimating v. Present participle of decimate.
DECIMATE v. to kill every tenth person; to destroy a large proportion of a group.
DECIMATIONdecimation n. (Strictly) The killing or punishment of every tenth person, usually by lot.
decimation n. (Generally) The killing or destruction of any large portion of a population.
decimation n. A tithe or the act of tithing.
DECIMATORSdecimators n. Plural of decimator.
DECIMATOR n. one who decimates.
DUODECIMALduodecimal adj. (Arithmetic) Of a number, expressed in base twelve.
duodecimal n. (Arithmetic) A number system that uses twelve as its base.
DUODECIMAL adj. of or relating to the number twelve.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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