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There are 20 words containing ESLI

MUESLImuesli n. A breakfast dish based on uncooked rolled oats and fruit.
MUESLI n. (German) a dish of rolled oats, nuts etc. eaten as a breakfast cereal.
BESLIMEbeslime v. (Transitive, archaic) To make dirty with something slimy; befoul.
beslime v. (Transitive, archaic) To insult, to say negative things about.
beslime v. (Transitive) To cover or daub with slime; slime.
MUESLISmueslis n. Plural of muesli.
MUESLI n. (German) a dish of rolled oats, nuts etc. eaten as a breakfast cereal.
BESLIMEDbeslimed v. Simple past tense and past participle of beslime.
BESLIME v. to cover with slime.
BESLIMESbeslimes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beslime.
BESLIME v. to cover with slime.
PRESLICEpreslice v. (Transitive) To slice in advance.
PRESLICE v. to slice beforehand.
RIESLINGriesling n. Alternative letter-case form of Riesling.
Riesling n. A variety of grape grown especially in Germany and other relatively cool areas.
Riesling n. A white wine made from this grape (often slightly sweet).
SIDESLIPsideslip n. (Aviation) A flight manoeuvre that uses opposing rudder and aileron inputs to move the aircraft sideways…
sideslip n. (Aviation) A flight condition where an aircraft’s longitudinal axis is not aligned with its direction…
sideslip n. (Aviation, uncountable, by extension) The angle between an aircraft’s longitudinal axis and its direction…
BESLIMINGbesliming v. Present participle of beslime.
BESLIME v. to cover with slime.
PRESLICEDpresliced adj. Sliced in advance.
PRESLICE v. to slice beforehand.
PRESLICESpreslices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preslice.
PRESLICE v. to slice beforehand.
RIESLINGSrieslings n. Plural of riesling;alternative spelling of Rieslings.
Rieslings n. Plural of Riesling.
RIESLING n. (German) a type of grape grown esp. in Germany; a dry white table wine produced from this.
SIDESLIPSsideslips n. Plural of sideslip.
side-slips v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of side-slip.
SIDESLIP v. to slip to one side.
PRESLICINGpreslicing v. Present participle of preslice.
PRESLICE v. to slice beforehand.
CLOTHESLINEclothesline n. A rope or cord tied up outdoors to hang clothes on so they can dry.
clothesline n. A structure with multiple cords for the same purpose, such as a Hills hoist.
clothesline n. (North America, informal) The act of knocking a person over by striking his or her upper body or neck…
SIDESLIPPEDsideslipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of sideslip.
side-slipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of side-slip.
SIDESLIP v. to slip to one side.
CLOTHESLINEDclotheslined v. Simple past tense and past participle of clothesline.
CLOTHESLINE v. to knock (a person) down with a blow to the neck (or sometimes head), esp. by placing an outstretched arm in his or her path.
CLOTHESLINESclotheslines n. Plural of clothesline.
clothes␣lines n. Plural of clothes line.
CLOTHESLINE v. to knock (a person) down with a blow to the neck (or sometimes head), esp. by placing an outstretched arm in his or her path.
SIDESLIPPINGsideslipping v. Present participle of sideslip.
side-slipping v. Present participle of side-slip.
SIDESLIP v. to slip to one side.
CLOTHESLININGclotheslining v. Present participle of clothesline.
CLOTHESLINE v. to knock (a person) down with a blow to the neck (or sometimes head), esp. by placing an outstretched arm in his or her path.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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