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There are 11 words containing ESIV

ADHESIVEadhesive adj. Sticky; tenacious, as glutinous substances.
adhesive adj. Apt or tending to adhere; clinging.
adhesive n. A substance, such as glue, that provides or promotes adhesion.
COHESIVEcohesive adj. Having cohesion.
cohesive n. A substance that provides cohesion.
cohesive n. (Linguistics) A device used to establish cohesion within a text.
ADHESIVESadhesives n. Plural of adhesive.
ADHESIVE n. a substance that causes adhesion.
ADHESIVELYadhesively adv. In an adhesive manner; by adhesion.
ADHESIVE adv. sticking.
COHESIVELYcohesively adv. In a cohesive manner.
COHESIVE adv. having the power of cohering.
INCOHESIVEincohesive adj. Not cohesive.
INCOHESIVE adj. lacking in unity; not fitting together smoothly.
NONADHESIVEnonadhesive adj. Not adhesive.
NONADHESIVE adj. not adhesive.
ADHESIVENESSadhesiveness n. The quality of being, or the degree to which a thing is, adhesive.
ADHESIVENESS n. the quality of being adhesive.
COHESIVENESScohesiveness n. The state of being cohesive; cohesion.
COHESIVENESS n. the state of being cohesive.
ADHESIVENESSESadhesivenesses n. Plural of adhesiveness.
ADHESIVENESS n. the quality of being adhesive.
COHESIVENESSEScohesivenesses n. Plural of cohesiveness.
COHESIVENESS n. the state of being cohesive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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