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There are 16 words containing ERIB

BERIBBONEDberibboned adj. Adorned, trimmed with ribbons.
beribboned v. Simple past tense and past participle of beribbon.
BERIBBONED adj. adorned with ribbons.
BERIBERIberiberi n. (Pathology) An ailment caused by a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1), leading to lethargy and organ complications.
beri-beri n. Alternative form of beriberi.
BERIBERI n. (Sinhalese) a disease caused by a lack of vitamin B.
BERIBERISberiberis n. Plural of beriberi.
BERIBERI n. (Sinhalese) a disease caused by a lack of vitamin B.
INFERIBLEinferible adj. Alternative spelling of inferrible (synonym of inferable).
INFERIBLE adj. that can be inferred, also INFERABLE, INFERRABLE, INFERRIBLE.
PERIBLASTperiblast n. (Biology) The protoplasmic matter which surrounds the entoblast, or cell nucleus, and undergoes segmentation.
PERIBLAST n. in meroblastic eggs, the margin of the blastoderm merging with the surrounding yolk.
PERIBLASTSperiblasts n. Plural of periblast.
PERIBLAST n. in meroblastic eggs, the margin of the blastoderm merging with the surrounding yolk.
PERIBLEMperiblem n. (Botany) nascent cortex, or immature cellular bark.
PERIBLEM n. a region of plant tissue.
PERIBLEMSperiblems n. Plural of periblem.
PERIBLEM n. a region of plant tissue.
PERIBOLIperiboli n. Plural of peribolus.
PERIBOLUS n. a precinct; an enclosing wall of a precinct, also PERIBOLOS.
PERIBOLOIperiboloi n. Plural of peribolos.
PERIBOLOS n. (Greek) a precinct; an enclosing wall of a precinct, also PERIBOLUS.
PERIBOLOSperibolos n. (Architecture, historical) An enclosed court, especially one surrounding a temple.
PERIBOLOS n. (Greek) a precinct; an enclosing wall of a precinct, also PERIBOLUS.
PERIBOLUSperibolus n. Alternative form of peribolos.
PERIBOLUS n. a precinct; an enclosing wall of a precinct, also PERIBOLOS.
SPARERIBsparerib n. A cut of meat including the rib bones.
spare-rib n. Alternative form of sparerib.
spare␣rib n. Alternative spelling of sparerib.
SPARERIBSspareribs n. Plural of sparerib.
spare-ribs n. Plural of spare-rib (alternative form of spareribs).
spare␣ribs n. Plural of spare rib (alternative form of spareribs).
ZERIBAzeriba n. (Historical) A fence of the type once commonly improvised in northeastern Africa from thornbushes.
zeriba n. (By extension) An improvised stockade, particularly those similarly located and constructed.
zeriba n. (By extension) A camp of troops employing such an enclosure.
ZERIBASzeribas n. Plural of zeriba.
ZERIBA n. (Arabic) an improvised stockade, esp. one made of thorn bushes, etc., also ZAREBA, ZAREEBA, ZARIBA, ZEREBA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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