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There are 10 words containing EPOD

ANGLEPODANGLEPOD n. any of a genus of plants of the milkweed family.
ANGLEPODSANGLEPOD n. any of a genus of plants of the milkweed family.
COPEPODcopepod n. Any of very many small crustaceans of the subclass Copepoda, that are widely distributed and ecologically important.
COPEPOD n. a shrimplike crustacean.
COPEPODScopepods n. Plural of copepod.
COPEPOD n. a shrimplike crustacean.
EPODEepode n. (Poetry) The after song; the part of a lyric ode which follows the strophe and antistrophe.
epode n. (Poetry) A kind of lyric poem, invented by Archilochus, in which a longer verse is followed by a shorter one.
EPODE n. a genre of lyric poem, in which a longer verse is followed by a shorter one.
EPODESepodes n. Plural of epode.
EPODE n. a genre of lyric poem, in which a longer verse is followed by a shorter one.
EPODICepodic adj. Pertaining to or resembling an epode.
EPODIC adj. relating to an epode, a kind of lyric poem.
HODGEPODGEhodgepodge n. A collection containing a variety of miscellaneous things.
hodgepodge n. A confused mass of ingredients shaken or mixed together in the same pot.
hodgepodge v. (Transitive, intransitive) To move or position in an erratic, disorganised manner.
HODGEPODGEShodgepodges n. Plural of hodgepodge.
hodge-podges n. Plural of hodge-podge.
HODGEPODGE n. a confused mass of ingredients shaken or mixed together in the same pot, also HOTCHPOT, HOTCHPOTCH.
RATTLEPODSrattlepods n. Plural of rattlepod.
RATTLEPODS n. a genus of plants and shrubs with pods in which the seeds rattle, aka crotalaria.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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