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There are 18 words containing EPET

NEPETAnepeta n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Nepeta of flowering plants, including catnip.
Nepeta prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – catmints.
NEPETA n. (Latin) any of various labiate plants of the genus Nepeta, aka catmint.
NEPETASnepetas n. Plural of nepeta.
NEPETA n. (Latin) any of various labiate plants of the genus Nepeta, aka catmint.
REPETENDrepetend n. A refrain (having repeated words, sounds or phrases).
repetend n. (Mathematics) A repeated part in repeating decimals.
REPETEND n. a phrase or sound that is repeated.
REPETENDSrepetends n. Plural of repetend.
REPETEND n. a phrase or sound that is repeated.
REPETITEURrepetiteur n. (Music, theater) A tutor or coach of ballet dancers or opera singers.
REPETITEUR n. (French) a coach, tutor; one who rehearses opera singers.
REPETITEURSrepetiteurs n. Plural of repetiteur.
REPETITEUR n. (French) a coach, tutor; one who rehearses opera singers.
REPETITEUSEREPETITEUSE n. a female repetiteur, one who rehearses opera singers.
REPETITEUSESREPETITEUSE n. a female repetiteur, one who rehearses opera singers.
REPETITIONrepetition n. The act or an instance of repeating or being repeated.
repetition n. (Weightlifting): The act of performing a single, controlled exercise motion. A group of repetitions is a set.
repetition v. To petition again.
REPETITIONALrepetitional adj. Of the nature of, or containing, repetition.
REPETITIONAL adj. relating to repetition.
REPETITIONARYrepetitionary adj. Of the nature of, or containing, repetition.
REPETITIONARY adj. of the nature of, or characterized by, repetition.
REPETITIONSrepetitions n. Plural of repetition.
REPETITION n. the act of repeating.
REPETITIOUSrepetitious adj. Characterized by repetition, especially excessive repetition.
REPETITIOUS adj. characterized or marked by repetition.
REPETITIOUSLYrepetitiously adv. In a repetitious manner.
REPETITIOUS adv. characterized or marked by repetition.
REPETITIOUSNESSrepetitiousness n. The state of being repetitious.
REPETITIOUS n. characterized or marked by repetition.
REPETITIVErepetitive adj. Happening many times in a similar way; containing repetition; repeating.
REPETITIVE adj. showing repetition.
REPETITIVELYrepetitively adv. In a repetitive manner.
REPETITIVE adv. showing repetition.
REPETITIVENESSrepetitiveness n. The state of being repetitive.
REPETITIVE n. showing repetition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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