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There are 12 words containing EODA

DEODARdeodar n. Cedrus deodara, a type of cedar tree native to the western Himalayas.
DEODAR n. (Sanskrit) an East Indian cedar, also DEODARA.
FEODALfeodal adj. Archaic form of feudal.
FEODAL adj. relating to feuds or fiefs, also FEUDAL.
DEODANDdeodand n. (Historical, law) An object forfeited to the state (and supposedly to God) because it had caused the…
deodand n. (Historical, law) A fine equal to the value of this object, paid by the owner of the object.
DEODAND n. a personal chattel which had caused the death of a person, and for that reason was given to God, that is, forfeited to the crown.
DEODARAdeodara n. Alternative form of deodar.
DEODARA n. (Sanskrit) an East Indian cedar, also DEODAR.
DEODARSdeodars n. Plural of deodar.
DEODAR n. (Sanskrit) an East Indian cedar, also DEODARA.
DEODATEdeodate n. (Obsolete) A gift or offering to God.
deodate n. (Obsolete) A gift from God.
DEODATE n. (obsolete) a gift to or from God.
FEODARYfeodary n. An accomplice.
feodary n. (UK, law) An ancient officer of the Court of Wards.
FEODARY n. one holding lands or power by a feudal tenure, also FEUDARY, FEUDATORY.
GEODATAgeodata n. Geographical data.
GEODATA n. information about the geographical location of objects.
DEODANDSdeodands n. Plural of deodand.
DEODAND n. a personal chattel which had caused the death of a person, and for that reason was given to God, that is, forfeited to the crown.
DEODARASdeodaras n. Plural of deodara.
DEODARA n. (Sanskrit) an East Indian cedar, also DEODAR.
DEODATESdeodates n. Plural of deodate.
DEODATE n. (obsolete) a gift to or from God.
FEODARIESfeodaries n. Plural of feodary.
feodaries n. Plural of feodarie.
FEODARY n. one holding lands or power by a feudal tenure, also FEUDARY, FEUDATORY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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