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There are 17 words containing ENUE

TENUEtenue n. Bearing, carriage, deportment.
tenue n. Mode of dress.
TENUE n. (French) bearing; manner of dress.
VENUEvenue n. A theater, auditorium, arena, or other area designated for sporting or entertainment events.
venue n. (Law) A neighborhood or near place; the place or county in which anything is alleged to have happened;…
venue n. (Obsolete) A bout; a hit; a turn.
AVENUEavenue n. A broad street, especially one bordered by trees or, in cities laid out in a grid pattern, one that…
avenue n. A way or opening for entrance into a place; a passage by which a place may be reached; a way of approach or of exit.
avenue n. The principal walk or approach to a house which is withdrawn from the road, especially, such approach…
TENUEStenues n. Plural of tenuis.
TENUIS n. (Latin) a voiceless stop consonant, such as k, p or t.
VENUESvenues n. Plural of venue.
VENUE n. the chosen location for an event, also VENEWE, VENEY.
AVENUESavenues n. Plural of avenue.
AVENUE n. a wide street.
DETENUEDETENUE n. (French) a (female) prisoner, esp. a political prisoner in India.
INGENUEingenue n. An innocent, unsophisticated, naïve, wholesome girl or young woman.
ingenue n. (Theater, film) A dramatic role of such a woman; an actress playing such a role.
ingenue n. (Rare) Misspelling of ingenu.
REVENUErevenue n. The income returned by an investment.
revenue n. The total income received from a given source.
revenue n. All income generated for some political entity’s treasury by taxation and other means.
DETENUESDETENUE n. (French) a (female) prisoner, esp. a political prisoner in India.
INGENUESingenues n. Plural of ingenue.
ingénues n. Plural of ingénue.
INGENUE n. (French) an artless, naive young woman.
PARVENUEparvenue n. Female equivalent of parvenu.
PARVENUE n. (French) a female parvenu.
REVENUEDrevenued v. Simple past tense and past participle of revenue.
REVENUED adj. possessed of revenue.
REVENUERrevenuer n. (US, regional, now historical) A government official who enforces laws prohibiting the illegal distillation…
REVENUER n. a revenue officer.
REVENUESrevenues n. Plural of revenue.
REVENUE n. the income of a government.
PARVENUESparvenues n. Plural of parvenue.
PARVENUE n. (French) a female parvenu.
REVENUERSrevenuers n. Plural of revenuer.
REVENUER n. a revenue officer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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