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There are 16 words containing ENUD

DENUDEdenude v. To divest of all covering; to make bare or naked; to strip.
DENUDE v. to strip of all covering, also DENUDATE.
MENUDOmenudo n. A traditional Mexican soup made with tripe and chili peppers.
menudo n. A traditional stew from the Philippines, made with sliced pork and calf’s liver in tomato sauce.
MENUDO n. (Spanish) a spicy Mexican dish made with tripe.
DENUDEDdenuded v. Simple past tense and past participle of denude.
denuded adj. Exposed by erosion.
DENUDE v. to strip of all covering, also DENUDATE.
DENUDERdenuder n. One who or that which strips something bare.
denuder n. Any device used to separate a gas from an aerosol.
DENUDER n. one who denudes.
DENUDESdenudes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of denude.
DENUDE v. to strip of all covering, also DENUDATE.
MENUDOSmenudos n. Plural of menudo.
MENUDO n. (Spanish) a spicy Mexican dish made with tripe.
DENUDATEdenudate v. (Obsolete, rare) To denude.
DENUDATE v. to strip of all covering, also DENUDE.
DENUDERSdenuders n. Plural of denuder.
DENUDER n. one who denudes.
DENUDINGdenuding v. Present participle of denude.
DENUDE v. to strip of all covering, also DENUDATE.
DENUDATEDdenudated v. Simple past tense and past participle of denudate.
DENUDATE v. to strip of all covering, also DENUDE.
DENUDATESdenudates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of denudate.
DENUDATE v. to strip of all covering, also DENUDE.
DENUDATINGdenudating v. Present participle of denudate.
DENUDATE v. to strip of all covering, also DENUDE.
DENUDATIONdenudation n. The act of stripping off covering, or removing the surface; a making bare.
denudation n. (Geology) The laying bare of rocks by the washing away of the overlying earth, etc.; or the excavation…
DENUDATION n. the act of making bare.
DENUDEMENTdenudement n. The process of denuding or stripping bare.
DENUDEMENT n. the act of denuding.
DENUDATIONSdenudations n. Plural of denudation.
DENUDATION n. the act of making bare.
DENUDEMENTSdenudements n. Plural of denudement.
DENUDEMENT n. the act of denuding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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