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There are 14 words containing ELUR

VELUREvelure n. (Dated) A fabric similar to velvet.
velure n. A silk or plush pad for smoothing or giving lustre to silk hats.
velure v. (Transitive) To dress with a velure.
VELUREDvelured v. Simple past tense and past participle of velure.
VELURE v. (Shakespeare) to smooth with a velvet or silk pad, as a hat.
VELURESvelures n. Plural of velure.
VELURE v. (Shakespeare) to smooth with a velvet or silk pad, as a hat.
CISELURECISELURE n. (French) the art of chasing metal.
VELURINGveluring v. Present participle of velure.
VELURE v. (Shakespeare) to smooth with a velvet or silk pad, as a hat.
CANNELUREcannelure n. (Firearms) A ringlike groove, such as that around the cylinder of an elongated bullet for small arms…
CANNELURE n. (French) a groove or fluting, esp. around a bullet etc.
CHEVELUREchevelure n. The nebulous part of a comet or star.
chevelure n. A head of hair.
chevelure n. A periwig.
CISELURESCISELURE n. (French) the art of chasing metal.
CANNELUREScannelures n. Plural of cannelure.
CANNELURE n. (French) a groove or fluting, esp. around a bullet etc.
CHEVELURESchevelures n. Plural of chevelure.
CHEVELURE n. a head of hair or arrangement of the hair.
CRAQUELUREcraquelure n. (Art) The distinctive pattern of hairline cracks in the surface of an old painting.
CRAQUELURE n. (French) fine cracking that appears in old paintings.
COELUROSAURcoelurosaur n. Any of several small theropod dinosaurs of the clade Coelurosauria.
COELUROSAUR n. a bipedal carnivorous dinosaur of the Triassic and Cretaceous periods.
CRAQUELUREScraquelures n. Plural of craquelure.
CRAQUELURE n. (French) fine cracking that appears in old paintings.
COELUROSAURScoelurosaurs n. Plural of coelurosaur.
COELUROSAUR n. a bipedal carnivorous dinosaur of the Triassic and Cretaceous periods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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