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There are 10 words containing ELIX

HELIXhelix n. (Mathematics) A curve on the surface of a cylinder or cone such that its angle to a plane perpendicular…
helix n. (Architecture) A small volute under the abacus of a Corinthian capital.
helix n. (Anatomy) The incurved rim of the external ear.
ELIXIRelixir n. (Alchemy) A liquid which converts lead to gold.
elixir n. (Alchemy) A substance or liquid which is believed to cure all ills and give eternal life.
elixir n. (By extension) The alleged cure for all ailments; cure-all, panacea.
ELIXIRSelixirs n. Plural of elixir.
ELIXIR n. a medicinal beverage.
HELIXEShelixes n. Plural of helix.
helixes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of helix.
HELIX n. (Greek) something spiral in form.
ANTHELIXanthelix n. (Anatomy) Alternative spelling of antihelix.
ANTHELIX n. (Greek) the inner curved edge of the external ear.
ANTIHELIXantihelix n. (Anatomy) The curved prominence of cartilage of the external ear, within or in front of the helix.
ANTIHELIX n. the curved elevation of the cartilage of the ear, within or in front of the helix, also ANTHELIX.
ANTHELIXESanthelixes n. Plural of anthelix.
ANTHELIX n. (Greek) the inner curved edge of the external ear.
SUPERHELIXsuperhelix n. (Molecular biology) The shape formed by a helix which in turn is twisted into a larger helix.
SUPERHELIX n. a helix, as of DNA, which has its axis arranged in a helical coil.
ANTIHELIXESantihelixes n. Plural of antihelix.
ANTIHELIX n. the curved elevation of the cartilage of the ear, within or in front of the helix, also ANTHELIX.
SUPERHELIXESsuperhelixes n. Plural of superhelix.
SUPERHELIX n. a helix, as of DNA, which has its axis arranged in a helical coil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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