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There are 10 words containing ELAW

BYELAWbyelaw n. Alternative spelling of bylaw.
bye-law n. Alternative spelling of bylaw.
BYELAW n. the law of a local authority or private corporation, also BYLAW.
BYELAWSbyelaws n. Plural of byelaw.
bye-laws n. Plural of bye-law.
BYELAW n. the law of a local authority or private corporation, also BYLAW.
CASELAWcaselaw n. Alternative form of case law.
case␣law n. Law developed by judges through court decisions and opinions, as distinct from statute and other legislation.
CASELAW n. a law established by previous cases.
CASELAWScase␣laws n. Plural of case law.
CASELAW n. a law established by previous cases.
DANELAWDanelaw prop.n. (History) The part of Great Britain in which the laws of the Scandinavians dominated those of the Anglo-Saxons.
Danelaw prop.n. (History) The set of legal terms and definitions created in the treaties between the English Alfred…
DANELAW n. Danish law that prevailed in England, the part of England ruled by the Danes, also DANELAGH.
DANELAWSDANELAW n. Danish law that prevailed in England, the part of England ruled by the Danes, also DANELAGH.
PRELAWprelaw n. (US) Any course of study taken by an undergraduate in preparation for study at a law school.
PRELAW adj. before taking up the study of law.
TREELAWNtreelawn n. A strip of unpaved land planted with trees, running alongside a street, usually between the sidewalk and street.
tree␣lawn n. (Midwestern US) The grassy area between the sidewalk and the street.
TREELAWN n. the strip of lawn between the street and pavement.
TREELAWNStreelawns n. Plural of treelawn.
tree␣lawns n. Plural of tree lawn.
TREELAWN n. the strip of lawn between the street and pavement.
WELAWAYwelaway interj. Obsolete form of wellaway.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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