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There are 7 words containing EGOL

EGOLESSegoless adj. Lacking ego: not egotistical.
EGOLESS adj. not self-centered.
REGOLITHregolith n. (Geology) The layer of loose rock, dust, sand, and soil, resting on the bedrock, that constitutes the…
REGOLITH n. a layer of loose rock overlaying solid rock.
REGOLITHSregoliths n. Plural of regolith.
REGOLITH n. a layer of loose rock overlaying solid rock.
SEGOLsegol n. A Hebrew niqqud diacritical mark (◌ֶ) in the form of three dots arranged as an upside-down triangle.
SEGOL n. (Hebrew) a vowel-point in Hebrew, also SEGHOL.
SEGOLATEsegolate adj. (Hebrew linguistics) Having the shape CVCVC and penultimate stress.
segolate n. (Hebrew linguistics) A word of this form.
SEGOLATE n. in Hebrew, a disyllabic noun form with a tone-long vowel in the first and a short seghol in the second syllable, also SEGHOLATE.
SEGOLATESsegolates n. Plural of segolate.
SEGOLATE n. in Hebrew, a disyllabic noun form with a tone-long vowel in the first and a short seghol in the second syllable, also SEGHOLATE.
SEGOLSsegols n. Plural of segol.
SEGOL n. (Hebrew) a vowel-point in Hebrew, also SEGHOL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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