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There are 17 words containing EGIR

AEGIRINEaegirine n. (Mineralogy) A mineral with monoclinic crystals with the chemical formula NaFe3+(Si2O6) belonging to…
AEGIRINE n. a green mineral, a silicate of iron and sodium, also AEGIRITE.
AEGIRINESaegirines n. Plural of aegirine.
AEGIRINE n. a green mineral, a silicate of iron and sodium, also AEGIRITE.
AEGIRITEaegirite n. (Mineralogy, rare) aegirine.
ægirite n. (Mineralogy, rare) Alternative spelling of aegirite.
AEGIRITE n. a green mineral, a silicate of iron and sodium, also AEGIRINE.
AEGIRITESaegirites n. Plural of aegirite.
AEGIRITE n. a green mineral, a silicate of iron and sodium, also AEGIRINE.
BEGIRDbegird v. (Transitive, archaic) To bind with a band or girdle; to gird.
begird v. (Transitive, archaic) To encircle, surround, as with a gird; enclose; encompass.
BEGIRD v. (archaic) to bind with a band or girdle.
BEGIRDEDbegirded v. Simple past tense and past participle of begird.
BEGIRD v. (archaic) to bind with a band or girdle.
BEGIRDINGbegirding v. Present participle of begird.
BEGIRD v. (archaic) to bind with a band or girdle.
BEGIRDLEbegirdle v. To encircle or surround, as with a girdle.
BEGIRDLE v. to surround as with a girdle.
BEGIRDLEDbegirdled v. Simple past tense and past participle of begirdle.
BEGIRDLE v. to surround as with a girdle.
BEGIRDLESbegirdles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of begirdle.
BEGIRDLE v. to surround as with a girdle.
BEGIRDLINGbegirdling v. Present participle of begirdle.
BEGIRDLE v. to surround as with a girdle.
BEGIRDSbegirds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of begird.
BEGIRD v. (archaic) to bind with a band or girdle.
BEGIRTbegirt v. Simple past tense and past participle of begird.
BEGIRD v. (archaic) to bind with a band or girdle.
HEGIRAhegira n. A journey taken to escape from danger; an exodus.
Hegira prop.n. Alternative form of Hijra.
HEGIRA n. (Arabic) the flight of Mohammed from Mecca, also HEJIRA, HEJRA, HIJRA, HIJRAH.
HEGIRAShegiras n. Plural of hegira.
HEGIRA n. (Arabic) the flight of Mohammed from Mecca, also HEJIRA, HEJRA, HIJRA, HIJRAH.
HOMEGIRLhomegirl n. (Slang) A female friend.
homegirl n. (Slang) A female co-member of a gang.
HOMEGIRL n. a girl or woman from one's neighborhood.
HOMEGIRLShomegirls n. Plural of homegirl.
HOMEGIRL n. a girl or woman from one's neighborhood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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