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There are 19 words containing EFUT

REFUTErefute v. (Transitive) To prove (something) to be false or incorrect.
refute v. (Transitive, proscribed) To deny the truth or correctness of (something).
REFUTE v. to prove to be false or erroneous.
REFUTALrefutal n. A refutation.
REFUTAL n. an act of refuting.
REFUTEDrefuted v. Simple past tense and past participle of refute.
REFUTE v. to prove to be false or erroneous.
REFUTERrefuter n. A person who refutes with an argument or example.
refuter n. An argument or example that refutes.
REFUTER n. one who refutes.
REFUTESrefutes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of refute.
REFUTE v. to prove to be false or erroneous.
REFUTALSrefutals n. Plural of refutal.
REFUTAL n. an act of refuting.
REFUTERSrefuters n. Plural of refuter.
REFUTER n. one who refutes.
REFUTINGrefuting v. Present participle of refute.
REFUTE v. to prove to be false or erroneous.
REFUTABLErefutable adj. Able to be refuted, or shown to be false.
REFUTABLE adj. that can be refuted.
REFUTABLYrefutably adv. So as to be refutable.
REFUTABLE adv. that can be refuted.
UNREFUTEDunrefuted adj. Not refuted.
UNREFUTED adj. not refuted.
REFUTATIONrefutation n. An act of refuting or disproving; the disproving of an argument, opinion, testimony, doctrine or theory…
refutation n. (Proscribed) A vocal answer to an attack on one’s assertions.
REFUTATION n. the act of refuting.
IRREFUTABLEirrefutable adj. Undeniable; unable to be disproved or refuted.
IRREFUTABLE adj. that cannot be refuted.
IRREFUTABLYirrefutably adv. In an irrefutable manner; beyond the possibility of refutation.
IRREFUTABLE adv. that cannot be refuted.
REFUTATIONSrefutations n. Plural of refutation.
REFUTATION n. the act of refuting.
REFUTABILITYrefutability n. The ability to be refuted; disprovability.
REFUTABILITY n. the quality of being refutable.
IRREFUTABILITYirrefutability n. Quality of being irrefutable.
IRREFUTABILITY n. the state of being irrefutable.
REFUTABILITIESrefutabilities n. Plural of refutability.
REFUTABILITY n. the quality of being refutable.
IRREFUTABLENESSirrefutableness n. Irrefutability; the state or quality of being irrefutable.
IRREFUTABLE n. that cannot be refuted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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