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There are 11 words containing EFIA

DEFIANTdefiant adj. Defying.
defiant adj. Boldly resisting opposition.
defiant n. One who defies opposition.
DEFIANCEdefiance n. The feeling, or spirit of being defiant.
defiance n. Open or bold resistance to or disregard for authority, opposition, or power.
defiance n. A challenging attitude or behaviour; challenge.
OLEFIANTolefiant adj. That produces oil.
OLEFIANT adj. oil-forming, as in olefiant ethylene.
DEFIANCESdefiances n. Plural of defiance.
DEFIANCE n. a bold opposition.
DEFIANTLYdefiantly adv. In a defiant manner.
defiantly adv. Misspelling of definitely.
DEFIANT adv. showing defiance.
RAREFIABLErarefiable adj. Capable of being rarefied.
RAREFIABLE adj. capable of being rarefied.
SHEREEFIANSHEREEFIAN adj. relating to a shereef, a descendant of Mohammed through his daugher Fatima.
DEFIANTNESSdefiantness n. The state or quality of being defiant.
DEFIANTNESS n. the state of being defiant.
LIQUEFIABLEliquefiable adj. Able to be liquefied.
LIQUEFIABLE adj. that can be liquefied, also LIQUIFIABLE.
PUTREFIABLEputrefiable adj. Capable of being putrefied.
PUTREFIABLE adj. capable of putrefying.
DEFIANTNESSESDEFIANTNESS n. the state of being defiant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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