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There are 8 words containing EBOL

CHAEBOLchaebol n. (Business, sometimes derogatory) A large, family-controlled Korean business conglomerate.
CHAEBOL n. (Korean) a group of businesses in Korea owned by one family.
EYEBOLTeyebolt n. A bolt with a looped head, or with an opening in the head.
eye␣bolt n. Alternative form of eyebolt.
EYEBOLT n. a bolt with a looped head, or an opening in the head.
CHAEBOLSchaebols n. Plural of chaebol.
CHAEBOL n. (Korean) a group of businesses in Korea owned by one family.
EYEBOLTSeyebolts n. Plural of eyebolt.
eye␣bolts n. Plural of eye bolt.
EYEBOLT n. a bolt with a looped head, or an opening in the head.
PHLEBOLITEphlebolite n. Alternative form of phlebolith.
PHLEBOLITE n. a calcareous concretion found in a vein.
PHLEBOLOGYphlebology n. (Medicine) The study of veins and their diseases etc.
PHLEBOLOGY n. a branch of anatomy which treats of the veins.
PHLEBOLITESphlebolites n. Plural of phlebolite.
PHLEBOLITE n. a calcareous concretion found in a vein.
PHLEBOLOGIESPHLEBOLOGY n. a branch of anatomy which treats of the veins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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