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There are 14 nine-letter words containing ETAB

ACETABULAacetabula n. Plural of acetabulum.
ACETABULUM n. (Latin) a cuplike hollow on the hipbone to receive the thighbone.
COVETABLEcovetable adj. Which may be coveted.
COVETABLE adj. that may be coveted.
DELETABLEdeletable adj. Able to be deleted.
deletable n. Something that can be deleted.
DELETABLE adj. that can be deleted, also DELEBLE, DELIBLE.
METABASESmetabases n. Plural of metabase.
metabases n. Plural of metabasis.
METABASIS n. a transition, e.g. from one subject or point to another.
METABASISmetabasis n. (Rhetoric) A change from one subject to another.
metabasis n. (Pathology) Any change in the course of a disease; metabola.
METABASIS n. a transition, e.g. from one subject or point to another.
METABATICmetabatic adj. Relating to metabasis.
METABATIC adj. transitional.
METABOLICmetabolic adj. Of or pertaining to metamorphosis; pertaining to, or involving, change.
metabolic adj. Of or pertaining to metabolism.
metabolic n. (Informal) A nutritional supplement.
PETABYTESpetabytes n. Plural of petabyte.
PETABYTE n. one quadrillion bytes.
SIDETABLESIDETABLE n. a small table at the side of a room.
TIMETABLEtimetable n. A tabular schedule of events with the times at which they occur, especially times of arrivals and departures.
timetable n. A schedule of arrivals and departures published in book or booklet form, or as a pamphlet, and available…
timetable v. (Transitive) To arrange a specific time for (an event, a class, etc).
TWEETABLEtweetable adj. (Internet, neologism) Capable of, or deserving of being sent as a message on the Twitter microblogging service.
TWEETABLE adj. (of a message) short enough to be posted on the Twitter website.
VEGETABLEvegetable n. Any plant.
vegetable n. A plant raised for some edible part of it, such as the leaves, roots, fruit or flowers, but excluding…
vegetable n. The edible part of such a plant.
VEGETABLYvegetably adv. In vegetable terms, or by vegetable means.
VEGETABLY adv. having the nature of a vegetable.
WAVETABLEwavetable n. A collection of many single-cycle waveforms with subtly changing harmonic contents, sometimes based…
WAVETABLE n. a collection of digitized samples of recorded sound stored as sound waves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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