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There are 12 nine-letter words containing EROB

AEROBATICaerobatic adj. Having to do with acrobatic maneuvers, such as spins, twirls, and flips, performed by an airplane.
AEROBATIC adj. relating to the art of performing stunts in the air.
AEROBIONTaerobiont n. (Biology) Any organism that needs air (oxygen) to survive.
AEROBIONT n. an aerobe, an organism requiring oxygen to survive.
AEROBOMBSaerobombs n. Plural of aerobomb.
AEROBOMB n. a bomb for dropping from aircraft.
AEROBRAKEaerobrake n. A mechanism for aerobraking.
aerobrake v. To perform aerobraking.
AEROBRAKE v. to use a planet's atmosphere to reduce the speed of a spacecraft.
AEROBUSESaerobuses n. Plural of aerobus.
AEROBUS n. a type of monorail that is suspended by an overhead cable.
ANAEROBESanaerobes n. Plural of anaerobe.
ANAEROBE n. an organism that lives in absence of free oxygen.
ANAEROBIAanaerobia n. Anaerobes.
ANAEROBIUM n. an organism not requiring oxygen for its life processes, also ANAEROBE, ANAEROBIONT.
ANAEROBICanaerobic adj. Without oxygen; especially of an environment or organism.
anaerobic adj. Of exercise, involving glycolysis (the conversion of glucose to adenosine triphosphate) rather than…
anaerobic adj. Of or relating to an anaerobe.
BEROBBINGberobbing v. Present participle of berob.
BEROB v. (Spenser) to rob.
GARDEROBEgarderobe n. (Historical) A storeroom or wardrobe.
garderobe n. (Historical) A lavatory, especially in a castle and built into the outer wall, with vent directly over…
GARDEROBE n. (historical) a chamber for storing clothes; a private chamber, a privy.
JEROBOAMSjeroboams n. Plural of jeroboam.
Jeroboams n. Plural of Jeroboam.
JEROBOAM n. an oversize wine bottle holding about four 26-ounce quarts.
TELEROBOTtelerobot n. A robot that can be controlled remotely; a telerobotic system.
TELEROBOT n. a robot under continuous human control), for example as used to perform a task in an area unsafe for the human operator such as in nuclear decommissioning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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