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There are 12 nine-letter words containing EPID

ELEPIDOTEelepidote adj. (Botany) Not lepidote.
elepidote n. (Botany) Any plant that is not lepidote.
ELEPIDOTE n. any of various medium to large rhododendrons with large, leathery leaves lacking the scales characteristic of the related lepidotes.
EPIDEMICSepidemics n. Plural of epidemic.
EPIDEMIC n. a rapid spread of a disease.
EPIDERMALepidermal adj. Of or pertaining to the epidermis.
EPIDERMAL adj. of or pertaining to the epidermis, also EPIDERMIC.
EPIDERMICepidermic adj. Of or pertaining to the epidermis or to the skin or bark.
EPIDERMIC adj. of or pertaining to the epidermis, also EPIDERMAL.
EPIDERMISepidermis n. The outer, protective layer of the skin of vertebrates, covering the dermis.
epidermis n. The similar outer layer of cells in invertebrates and plants.
EPIDERMIS n. (Greek) the outermost layer of the skin, also EPIDERM.
EPIDICTICepidictic adj. Serving to explain; demonstrative.
EPIDICTIC adj. designed to display something, esp. the skill of the speaker in rhetoric, also EPIDEICTIC, EPIDEICTICAL.
EPIDOSITEepidosite n. (Mineralogy) A highly altered epidote- and quartz-bearing rock.
EPIDOSITE n. a rock composed of epidote and quartz.
EPIDURALSepidurals n. Plural of epidural.
EPIDURAL n. an anaesthetic injected into the lower spinal canal.
LEPIDOTESlepidotes n. Plural of lepidote.
LEPIDOTE n. a flowering shrub.
TEPIDARIAtepidaria n. Plural of tepidarium.
TEPIDARIUM n. (Latin) a warm room between the hot and cold rooms of a Roman bath.
TEPIDNESStepidness n. The property of being tepid.
TEPIDNESS n. the state of being tepid.
TREPIDANTtrepidant adj. (Rare) Trembling with fear or emotion.
trepidant adj. (Medicine, archaic) Marked by trembling or tremor.
TREPIDANT adj. in a state of alarmed agitation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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