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There are 15 nine-letter words containing EPHE

ACALEPHESACALEPHE n. (Greek) any cnidarian (a jellyfish), also ACALEPH, ACALEPHAN.
EPHEDRINEephedrine n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A crystalline alkaloid drug C10H15NO obtained from a Chinese ephedra (Ephedra…
EPHEDRINE n. an alkaloid obtained from the plant ephedra and used in treating hay fever, asthma etc., also EPHEDRIN.
EPHEDRINSephedrins n. Plural of ephedrin.
EPHEDRIN n. an alkaloid obtained from the plant ephedra and used in treating hay fever, asthma etc., also EPHEDRINE.
EPHELIDESephelides n. Plural of ephelis.
EPHELIS n. (Latin) a freckle or mole.
EPHEMERAEEPHEMERA n. (Greek) an insect of the mayfly genus Ephemera, whose adult life is very short.
EPHEMERALephemeral n. Something which lasts for a short period of time.
ephemeral adj. Lasting for a short period of time.
ephemeral adj. (Biology) Existing for only one day, as with some flowers, insects, and diseases.
EPHEMERASEPHEMERA n. (Greek) an insect of the mayfly genus Ephemera, whose adult life is very short.
EPHEMERIDephemerid n. Any mayfly in the family Ephemeridae.
EPHEMERID n. an insect of the mayfly family.
EPHEMERISephemeris n. (Obsolete) A journal or diary.
ephemeris n. (Astronomy, nautical) A table giving the apparent position of celestial bodies throughout the year;…
ephemeris n. Computer software that calculates the apparent position of celestial bodies.
EPHEMERONephemeron n. Something short-lived or transitory.
ephemeron n. (Programming) A type of weak reference in a garbage collected programming language that does not permit…
EPHEMERON n. something of short lifetime.
NEPHELINEnepheline n. (Mineralogy) A feldspathoid mineral of silica-poor igneous, plutonic and volcanic rocks. Chemically…
NEPHELINE n. a rock-forming mineral, silicate of sodium, potassium and aluminium, colourless, usually crystallizing in hexagonal prisms, also NEPHELITE.
NEPHELITEnephelite n. (Mineralogy) Synonym of nepheline.
NEPHELITE n. a rock-forming mineral, silicate of sodium, potassium and aluminium, colourless, usually crystallizing in hexagonal prisms, also NEPHELINE.
SHEEPHEADsheephead n. (Card games) Alternative form of sheepshead.
SHEEPHEAD n. a large and valuable sparoid food fish found on the Atlantic coast of the United States, also SHEEPSHEAD.
SHEPHERDSshepherds n. Plural of shepherd.
shepherds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shepherd.
SHEPHERD v. to watch over carefully.
TELEPHEMEtelepheme n. (Obsolete) A message transmitted by telephone.
TELEPHEME n. a message by a telephone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 32 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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