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There are 17 nine-letter words containing EOLI

AEOLIPILEaeolipile n. A steam engine powered by rocket propulsion due to escaping steam, consisting of a pressure vessel mounted…
æolipile n. Archaic form of aeolipile.
AEOLIPILE n. the first steam engine, with a globe made to revolve by steam jets, also AEOLIPYLE, EOLIPILE, EOLOPILE.
AEOLIPYLEaeolipyle n. Alternative form of aeolipile.
æolipyle n. Archaic form of aeolipile.
AEOLIPYLE n. the first steam engine, with a globe made to revolve by steam jets, also AEOLIPILE, EOLIPILE, EOLOPILE.
AUREOLINGAUREOLE v. to surround with a halo.
CREOLIANSCreolians n. Plural of Creolian.
CREOLIAN n. a type of mixed language, also CREOLE.
CREOLISEDcreolised v. Simple past tense and past participle of creolise.
CREOLISE v. to cause a language to become creole, also CREOLIZE.
CREOLISEScreolises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of creolise.
CREOLISE v. to cause a language to become creole, also CREOLIZE.
CREOLISTScreolists n. Plural of creolist.
CREOLIST n. a person who studies creole languages.
CREOLIZEDcreolized v. Simple past tense and past participle of creolize.
CREOLIZE v. to cause a language to become creole, also CREOLISE.
CREOLIZEScreolizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of creolize.
CREOLIZE v. to cause a language to become creole, also CREOLISE.
ELAEOLITEelaeolite n. (Mineralogy) A variety of hephelite, usually massive and of a greasy lustre and grey to reddish colour.
ELAEOLITE n. a variety of nephelite, usually massive, of greasy luster, and gray to reddish color.
EOLIENNESeoliennes n. Plural of eolienne.
EOLIENNE n. (French) a fine dress fabric of silk and wool.
EOLIPILESeolipiles n. Plural of eolipile.
EOLIPILE n. the first steam engine, with a globe made to revolve by steam jets, also AEOLIPILE, AEOLIPYLE, EOLOPILE.
LUTEOLINSluteolins n. Plural of luteolin.
LUTEOLIN n. a yellow dyestuff obtained from the foliage of the dyer's broom.
NEOLITHICneolithic adj. Alternative spelling of Neolithic.
neolithic adj. (Informal) hopelessly outdated.
Neolithic prop.n. The New Stone Age, from circa 8500 to 4500 BCE.
PALEOLITHpaleolith n. A relic from the Paleolithic era.
PALEOLITH n. a Stone Age artifact, also PALAEOLITH.
PHASEOLINphaseolin n. (Organic chemistry) A prenylated pterocarpan found in Phaseolus vulgaris seeds and in the stems of Erythrina…
PHASEOLIN n. a protein found in kidney beans.
TROPEOLINtropeolin n. Alternative form of tropaeolin.
TROPEOLIN n. any of a group of dyes of complex structure, also TROPAEOLIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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