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There are 11 nine-letter words containing ENNA

ANTENNARYantennary adj. Relating to antennae or feelers.
antennary adj. (Organic chemistry) branching.
ANTENNARY adj. having antennae.
BIENNALESbiennales n. Plural of biennale.
BIENNALE n. (Italian) an international arts festival held in Venice every two years.
DECENNARYdecennary adj. Decennial: of or related to a ten-year period.
decennary n. A decennium: a period of ten years.
decennary adj. Alternative form of decenary: of or related to the number ten; containing ten items.
EMPENNAGEempennage n. The tail assembly of an aircraft.
empennage n. The feathers of an arrow or the tail fins of a bomb or rocket used to stabilize the longitudinal axis…
EMPENNAGE n. (French) the tail assembly of an airplane.
GENNAKERSgennakers n. Plural of gennaker.
GENNAKER n. a type of sail for boats.
IMPENNATEimpennate adj. (Zoology) Characterized by short wings covered with feathers resembling scales, as in the penguins.
IMPENNATE adj. featherless; wingless.
PENNALISMpennalism n. (Historical) A system of hazing once practised in German universities.
PENNALISM n. a system of fagging in use at a German university.
PENNATULApennatula n. (Zoology) Any of numerous species of Pennatula, Pteroides, and allied genera of Alcyonaria, having a…
Pennatula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pennatulidae – certain sea pens.
PENNATULA n. a sea-pen.
PERENNATEperennate v. (Botany) To survive from one growing season to the next.
PERENNATE v. to last or live through a number of years, as a perennial plant.
SENNACHIEsennachie n. Alternative form of seannachie.
SENNACHIE n. (Gaelic) a Highland or Irish genealogist and transmitter of family lore, also SEANNACHIE, SEANNACHY, SHANACHIE.
TRANSENNAtransenna n. (Architecture) A screen.
TRANSENNA n. (Latin) a screen enclosing a shrine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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